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The ABCs of Acne

Everything you need to know about the causes of and treatments for acne, your most mystifying skin issue
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G Is for Glycemic Load
So, about that "you are what you eat" thing: There's more. In addition to watching your dairy intake, you may want to consider the glycemic load of what you're eating.

In one study, people who ate a low-glycemic-load diet -- that means low in carbohydrates and low on the glycemic index -- showed improvement in their acne symptoms. Foods earn their status as having a high glycemic load based on on how quickly they make insulin spike. Experts think that an insulin spike triggers more oil production and, therefore, pimples.

Your Rx: "Those that are acne-prone should maximize their nutritional state," says Frank. "Replace these foods [with a high glycemic load] with more proteins and vegetables that are rich in color."

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H Is for Heat Therapy
Tanda. Claro. Zeno. No, these aren't the names of galactic overlords -- they're just some of the light- and heat-emitting, at-home devices that have been released in the past handful of years to treat acne.

While many of the manufacturers behind these devices have conducted small studies to support their products' effectiveness, none of the derms we interviewed were willing to go to bat for them.

"I am not very familiar with these types of machines, but they are not the most effective," Goldfaden says. "There are many more effective ways to manage and treat acne."

Your Rx: Experts seem to agree that these devices may calm a pimple in the same way a compress soaked in hot water would -- they just happen to cost a few hundo. (In other words, your hot washcloth trick gets the thumbs-up.)

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I Is for Isotretinoin
It's the closest thing we have to a cure for acne: isotretinoin, or Accutane in its name-brand form, which leaves 85 percent of acne sufferers with clear skin after one course of treatment. In addition to drastically reducing oil secretion, this concentrated form of vitamin A unclogs pores, reduces bacteria levels and relieves inflammation.

Isotretinoin's reputation for causing birth defects has dramatically tightened regulations, and it's been linked to clinical depression and inflammatory bowel disease, but the medical community hasn't been able to prove the latter two connections.

Your Rx: Despite the risks, Tanzi and Frank agree that isotretinoin is a near-miracle worker for patients with moderate to severe acne that hasn't responded to over-the-counter products or prescription antibiotics.

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J Is for Joy
Acne is a bummer, whether it amounts to the occasional red honker in the middle of your chin or chronic breakouts. What's an even bigger bummer is that acne and depression are scientifically linked -- and can make each other worse, creating a vicious cycle of low self-esteem, according to a study by the University of California San Francisco.

Not only are people with acne are at a higher risk for depression (so says a Swedish study), it's also possible that depression makes acne worse. After all, stress causes excess sebum production, and being depressed is superstressful.

Your Rx: If you focus on getting happy, your face may get happier, too. If acne has lowered your self-esteem or made you extra-moody, think about trying talk therapy to recalibrate your perceptions or yourself. Your doctor or dermatologist may even prescribe antidepressants, which can lift your mood, reduce stress and quell habits that could be making your acne worse, like skin-picking.

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K Is for Keloid
If your pimples have ever turned into keloids, well ... you'd know it. Keloids are bumpy, raised scars that occur when inflammation signals your skin to regenerate scar tissue -- too much scar tissue, in fact. It's a hereditary condition that's also more common in certain ethnicities.

Your Rx: There are lots of in-office procedures to combat keloids, but early treatment is key -- the longer you wait, the worse they might get. If you have keloid acne scars, talk to your doc ASAP.

What causes acne, how to prevent acne from forming, and how to treat existing acne are three of the most mystifying issues in dermatology today. That's because acne can be influenced by such a weird amalgamation of factors -- from major influences like lifestyle, heredity and stress down to seemingly insignificant details like what you pour over your cereal in the morning. Here's everything we know about acne and how to cure it, from the foods that cause acne to pimple home remedies to antibiotics for acne.
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