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We Tried 10 Weird Hangover Cures. Here's What Happened

We tested the weirdest hangover cures to see what works -- and which hangover remedies will make you more miserable
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Hair of the Dog: The Sober Truth
After throwing back vodka tonics all night with very little water, I woke up, unsurprisingly, with a throbbing headache. Mission accomplished!

I usually rely on an ibuprofen, hot shower and greasy breakfast to bring me back from the dead, but not this morning. Instead, I dragged myself out of bed and to my liquor closet (and by closet I mean my freezer where my half-downed vodka was waiting for me). My equally hungover roommate about died when he saw me start to pour another vodka tonic instead of my usual glass of water right away in the morning -- commenting that I was "crazy." Desperate to cure my throbbing temples, I closed my eyes, held my breath and tried to drink my way out of the haze.

Here's what I'll say about it. I've had far worse hangovers -- I'm talking lose the entire contents of your stomach all day hangovers (sorry for the visual). Had I been experiencing one of those, there is no way I could've put back that vodka tonic. However, in the nine circles of hangover hell, this was about a five, which meant I could hold my alcohol -- though the smell had me hovering by the bathroom just in case. Once I forced the first drink down, my head felt slightly better. The second drink was easier to stomach, and soon my pain was just a fuzzy memory. Though at no point in this experiment did I enjoy putting back another cocktail, it did get easier as I went.

OK, so maybe it's not so much a hangover cure as it is a procrastination method. Because, boy, did I feel it later in the afternoon. Still, it's a strategy that's totally dependent on the severity of your hangover. I'm just grateful I didn't have to puke and rally.

Grade: 6 /10

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Hangover Cure No. 10: Pickle Juice
Some say drinking pickle juice is a Polish holistic remedy for hangover symptoms; I say it sounds damn delicious.

"This is a helpful hangover cure because pickle juice contains vinegar, water and sodium," says Pace. "The sodium acts as an electrolyte, which helps with dehydration. Pickle juice may not help with other hangover symptoms, such as upset stomach, but it will definitely help replenish your body."

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Pickle Juice: The Sober Truth
Former editor and pickle-and wine-loving Tiffanie was quick to volunteer for this hangover cure experiment. One morning, after waking up with the hangover trifecta -- headache, nausea and sluggishness -- she takes a swig from the ol' pickle jar. "It's not like I haven't drank pickle juice before," she explains. "This wasn't my first rodeo. So for this purpose, I thought, why not do more?"

How much is more? "Like, half the jar. It was so good! Yeah, I felt great right after that. I also had a pickle. I just like pickles."

Among our hangover cure experiments, Tiffanie's endorsement of pickle juice is the most resounding. "I would totally do it again," she enthuses. So there you have it, folks. When a boozy night leaves you in a pickle, just hit the juice.

Grade: 9/10

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