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7 Mistakes You May Be Making When It Comes to Washing Your Hair

It may be time to rethink your regimen.
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Forgetting Your Scalp

"Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp," says Mizani hairstylist Al Campbell. "Scalp buildup is real and often can result in inflammation, which can cause major follicle damage and aid in certain types of alopecia. Pay attention to buildup, dry scalp and flaking."

Try doing a scalp cleanse once a week making sure to take the time to really cleanse and exfoliate. You can use designated scalp cleansing formulas as well as tools that help you get a good scrub.

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Not Switching Up Your Shampoo and Conditioner

Our hair changes through the seasons, over the years and even throughout the month. If you're still using the same shampoo you've always used and have noticed your mane isn't quite as glorious as it once was, that could be a sign you need to switch things up.

"Just like farmers crop rotate every year, your hair takes all the nutrients it needs from your current regimen until it's satisfied and complete and can get lackluster, depleted or bored with the same old, same old," says celebrity stylist Brittany Gharring. "Change it up every month or so to offer your hair new vitamins and life again. Take notice of the season as well. I like to send my clients home with a smoothing shampoo in the humid summer months and a volumizing shampoo in the dryer winter months."

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Ignoring Hair Porosity

Hair porosity is your hair's ability to retain moisture and understanding it is important in your quest for gorgeous locks. "High porosity tends to need strength and moisture, while medium and low porosity tend to need more moisture than strength," explains Campbell. "If you use strength on low porosity hair that really needs moisture, it could result in a protein overload and cause even more dryness leading to breakage."

The bottom line? Listen to your hair, give it a water porosity test and cater to the characteristics of the cuticle.

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Using Expired or Low-Quality Shampoo

All products have a shelf life and not all shampoos are created equal. When you use an inferior product, you're hindering your hair's true potential. Ferrara recommends checking with your stylist. "Salon-quality products are more concentrated than their chain store counterparts so you can use less per shampoo."

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Co-Washing Way Too Often

Co-washing is the process of skipping shampoo and only using conditioner on your hair in the shower. "It's known that anyone who loves their waves, curls and coils is afraid to lose moisture so they tend to co-wash. Over time this can create a buildup on the hair strand and block out moisture and hydration," warns Campbell.

Instead, occasionally clarify your strands to create a clean and receptive slate.

Image via Imaxtree

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