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Baby Beauty Brands Adults Love

Because who doesn't want to smell and feel baby fresh?
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When I was pregnant with my first child, I went a little overboard buying baby beauty lotions and potions. I didn't factor in that a tiny human won't be running through products as swiftly as a fully-formed adult. I also failed to factor in that a baby often just needs one product to function as a body wash, shampoo and conditioner. In fact, you may even run your baby a bubble bath and use the soap from that to wash your baby's skin and hair. (Unless they pee in the tub, which, sigh, any parent will tell you is all too common.)

When your baby is very young you also don't need to bathe them every day. Although many parents do as it helps to create a nighttime routine to lull their baby to sleep. It's also important to minimize the chemicals coming into contact with a baby's delicate skin so it's best to opt for nontoxic, thoughtfully-crafted products (and no, that doesn't always mean expensive).

You may also want to consider using a product on your baby's skin/hair every two to three days until the baby is old enough to crawl and actually get dirty. Obviously this doesn't apply to days when your baby has a diaper blowout, chows down on solids too eagerly or spits up and has milk lodged in the creases of their neck.

So what should you do with all that leftover product? Use it! You'll likely find yourself sharing soap every day with your baby from here on out.

Keep reading for a look at some of the baby beauty brands adults also love.

Image via Pipette

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If you're looking for a luxe look with a drugstore price tag, check out Pipette. I was shocked to learn that most of the brand's products are under $10 when I saw the beautiful packaging. But, more importantly, you can feel confident lathering the products on your baby even in the newborn phase as the line is 100 percent clean and nontoxic.

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This is an especially great brand to reach for if your baby shows any signs of skin sensitivity or eczema. Evereden is a dermatologist-developed skin care brand that is both fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. It makes products for babies, kids and pregnant women, many of which have the stamp of approval of the National Eczema Association.

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Gro-To Skin Care

When it comes to packaging, you won't find anything better than Gro-To Skin Care. Everything is beyond thoughtfully made to be fun and inviting for kids as well as adults. You'll be saving every empty bottle and probably the packaging, too. Its Little Squirts New Mum Gift is a standout because in addition to products you'll love to share with your little one, there's a face mask made specifically for you. We all know that new mom undereye bags and dullness are next level. Oh, and the terry towel beauty bag that this set comes with is so cute! It will become a keepsake/display piece you can use for storage in your child's room.

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Dr. Barbara Sturm

If you're looking to invest in one luxe product, make it the Dr. Barbara Sturm Baby & Kids Bathing Milk. It has the perfect lather and a little goes a very long way. It's gentle and fragrance-free, but loaded with actives, which isn't something you often find in baby products (or adult ones for that matter). Because of that, it leaves skin feeling hydrated and baby soft. So soft you probably won't even need body lotion, though if you do the brand makes a wonderful one. The adorable packaging doesn't hurt, either.

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