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How to Elevate Your At-Home Workouts, According to Fitness Gurus

You can still really get your sweat on without hitting the actual gym.
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Write Down Your Goals & Keep a Fitness Log

Science has proven over and again that simply writing down your goals can increase your chance of success. "This visibility will allow you to navigate what is working for you and what is not and can help with future goal setting. It is also important to constantly evaluate your goals as you move through your fitness journey," says Lauren Jenai, CrossFit Co-Founder and CEO of the new health and fitness app, Manifest. "Meeting small attainable goals, while consistently setting new and more advanced goals are the stepping stones to increased health and fitness."

You can log this in spreadsheets, word documents, apps, or even in a simple journal. For something pretty to scribble in, consider something from Rifle Paper Co.'s lineup, such as this Garden Party Fabric Journal, $24.

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Schedule Your Workouts and Create a Weekly Routine

Babies, toddlers, high schoolers, adults — the majority of us thrive when we have a set schedule and routine. When it comes to fitness, which can sometimes feel like a chore, it's especially tricky to stay committed. Penciling workouts into your schedule and creating a set daily or weekly routine will help you stay on track.

"It can be easy to move yourself down the priority list, especially as the day goes on," says Danielle Cote, the director of training operations for Pure Barre. "Treat your workouts like they are mandatory meetings that cannot be rescheduled. Find a time that works best for you and schedule, whether it is the same time each day you are working out, or it needs to shift based on other obligations and commitments."

Lauren McCallister, fitness expert for Mindbody, agrees, adding that working out from home makes it even easier to sidestep your workout sessions.

"When sweating from home, you might be tempted to answer an email, start dinner, dust shelves, or binge Netflix. To avoid doing so, remove as many distractions as possible by creating a specific workout space away from your work, phone, and TV," she says. "Even if it's just a small corner in your bedroom, designate a clean and calming space for your at-home workouts."

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Consider Virtual Classes

Virtual classes are amazing if you're craving that group fitness atmosphere, or if you tend to excel when you're being led in a workout versus coming up with an exercise routine on your own. McCallister says, "With fitness studios and gyms offering virtual workouts globally, it's easy to try something new from anywhere in the world. Purchase a live stream class package or start a new on-demand workout series to keep your body guessing and give you a new source of motivation."

Some programs to consider include BeachBody on Demand, Obé Fitness, Pure Barre (individual studios offer live virtual classes, but they also have on-demand), Blink Fitness, and Corepower Yoga. Also check in with your local fitness studios or personal trainers who likely have virtual offerings (and even some one-on-one options) available.

Image via @corepoweryoga

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Mix it Up

"One of the most effective ways to continue increasing fitness levels is to mix up your activities. Even before increasing duration or intensity in current workouts, try something new," suggests Jenai. "Our bodies adapt when we do the same things over and over. Adding variance to your workout routine will not only improve your fitness but will keep you more engaged and enthusiastic. This will help avoid the challenges of getting complacent or bored with your routine."

Image via svetikd/E+/Getty

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Invest in Some (Inexpensive) Equipment

You don't have to spend a fortune, but investing in a few inexpensive pieces of equipment can really help take your workouts to the next level. They also provide more opportunity to mix it up, as Jenai suggested. Our fitness experts recommended picking up some of the following pieces. Pick whatever appeals to you most and have fun with it!

• Resistance Bands: Letsfit Resistance Bands for Legs and Butt, $16.99 - $18.59

• Stability / Exercise Ball: Tone Fitness Stability Ball/Exercise Ball, $19.99

• Kettlebells: Everyday Essentials All-Purpose Color Vinyl Coated Kettlebells, $16.99+

• Jump Rope: Peach Bands Speed Jump Rope, $21.99

TRX Fit System Suspension Trainer, $99.99

• Foam Roller: Trigger Point Performance Grid Foam Roller, $33.66

• Yoga Mat: Kuyou Foldable Yoga Mat, $32.97

• Dumbbells: Nice C Adjustable Dumbbell Weight Pair 5-in-1, $39.99 - $79.99

• Floor Gliders: Tone It Up Slide 'N Sculpt Discs, $9.99

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