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Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
A move so easy your grandmother could do it -- right? That may be the case, but even something this simple can put unnecessary pressure on your back. "Many people maintain straight legs when they do this pose, which locks your pelvis and makes it harder to rotate forward," says Rothenberg. "That means that all of the force of your flexing movement comes into your low back, compressing the area as you bend."

To correct this, lightly bend your knees and focus on rotating your body forward from your pelvis. Keep the stretch feeling balanced through your hip, hamstring, and lower back. "This releases the intense strain on your back and allows for a more even and safe extension of your body," she says. Be sure that you keep the natural curve of the spine as well. If you're completely rounded, it's a sign that your core hasn't joined the party.

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We've seen you -- pushing up on your arms and into the floor so that you can mimic the exaggerated arch of this pose's namesake serpent. While the graceful position is pretty easy on the eyes, it's not difficult to see how hard it can be on your spine.

All the force you are exerting to arch your back concentrates at a narrow point in the lumbar spine, causing a compression injury and most likely, a very sore back.

Though this may fly in the face of what you've always known a cobra to be, don't put any substantial pressure on your hands when you are moving into this pose, says Rowe. Allow your body to bend from your mid-back, instead of lower down. Make sure you feel your body lengthening from the front, pulling through your shoulder blades as you move into your arch. "This posture should be easy and comfortable, and it's more important to do it in a way that protects your body than to match the picture in your mind of how it is supposed to look," she says.

That girl on the yoga mat next to you may look impressive as she bends and stretches beyond imaginable limits, but there's really nothing worth envying if by pushing to get those extra inches of reach she gives herself a sore back. Big no-nomaste, if you know what we mean.

Though some yoga poses may look like they were created by a contortionist, it's misguided to blame back pain on them, says Linda Rowe, DC, ERYT, a chiropractor and master yoga trainer in Dallas. "Back pain or injury that happens as a result of yoga is not common, but when it occurs, it is most often because of how the pose is being practiced. Yoga is actually a very therapeutic exercise for the back -- you just have to make sure you're mindful of protecting it as you go."

While that means not attempting poses only meant for Elasti-Girl, it also means being more aware of your body's movements and limitations.

At the core of yoga safety is, well, your core -- the deepest muscles in your midsection that prevent your spine from moving in ways that compromise its disks, joints, ligaments, and surrounding muscles. It must be engaged while you perform yoga to keep your back stabilized. Getting into a yoga pose without involving these muscles could potentially throw your back out, which could mean anything from a twinge to a spasm, a sprain, or worse. Remember the time your back screamed at you after lifting that laundry basket awkwardly? Yep, just like that.

Skip ahead to see the 7 yoga poses that can give you a sore back.

"To stabilize your lower back, initiate every movement from your core and in conjunction with your breath -- squeeze your muscles and move upon exhaling, then relax them with each inhale," says Robin Rothenberg, a Fall City, Wash.-based yoga therapist who specializes in chronic pain and is internationally known for her research on yoga and back pain. Not only will this ensure that your back is properly protected as you move, but it also tells your nervous system to ditch the stress it has been holding on to all day and move into a state of calm. "This, of course, is beneficial emotionally, but it also helps ensure that you aren't bringing aggressive energy to your yoga practice that could encourage you to push your body further than it wants to go," says Rothenberg.

Because that's when problems in yoga happen. Especially when you're doing certain poses. Read on to learn the simple yoga exercises most likely to cause back pain -- and the best ways to stay safe.
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