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Why You Should Follow: Christine Mielke's twitter is chock-full of easy how-to's, news about the latest product launches, and reviews about makeup and skin care products the 24-year-old California native either loves or hates. Her tweets give you the lowdown on every nail polish, foundation, lipstick, and blush she�s tried.

Sample Twitter Tip: Make lipstick last longer by applying over a matte surface, so no balm before! Apply balm earlier, then blot off.

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Why You Should Follow: Think of this as the CNN for beauty news. It's a comprehensive feed of the latest articles, celebrity interviews, and business news the beauty world has to offer.

Sample Twitter Tip: Tangerine Tango is the Color of the Year for 2012.

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Why You Should Follow: The former model-turned-makeup guru is often referred to as a "cult beauty expert," and we can see why. After setting up a makeup school in London in 2003, the British beauty launched her own makeup lines, Jemma Kidd Make Up and JK Jemma Kidd, which are now favorites of stars like Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Sample Twitter Tip: There are facials and then there are Sarah Chapman facials. She's incredible and gorgeous. Highly highly recommend.

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Why You Should Follow: Amber is the founder of and a self-professed -- you guessed it -- beauty product junkie. She's a licensed cosmetologist and product expert who tweets about product reviews, expert Q&A�s, and great beauty product giveaways.

Sample Twitter Tip: On my HOT list right now -- @fourtruffles new Bulgarian Lavender & Argan Oil Mosturizing Balm. Trust me, it's THE BALM! (pun intended)

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@DrRodan and @DrKFields
Why You Should Follow: Dermatologists and co-founders of Proactiv, Katie Rodan, MD, and Kathy Fields, MD, are skin care rockstars. We love their informative tweets on how to achieve clearer and younger-looking skin via nutrition and science. Bonus? There�s no copay on Twitter!

Sample Twitter Tip: DrRodan says: Another reason to eat low glycemic foods -- recent study shows that hi glucose levels contribute to premature aging.

Taylor Swift. Jennifer Lopez. Katy Perry. What do these lovely ladies have in common aside from a backup dancer they might have all once dated? They each have over 10 million Twitter followers.

And because their 140-character tweets aren't always more useful than an actual bird's, here's a little secret: If you want insider advice on how these celebs got the perfect fingerwaves or what they did to finally clear up their skin, don't follow them. Follow the people that got them looking that way.

Check out the 15 beauty experts you need to follow on Twitter now.

Whether you want to know what the best skin care products are for your skin type or how to create the perfect smoky eye, these 15 beauty experts are worth following. From top beauty bloggers and world-renowned makeup artists to celebrity hairdressers and dermatologists, these tweeters have just as much substance as they do style. With constant words of beauty wisdom popping up on your TweetDeck, these hair, makeup, and skin care experts may even help you look like you have at least a million followers.
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