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Leg Exercise No. 1: Butt Burners
So you're probably wondering why we're starting off with a booty-popping exercise as our first leg workout -- and the answer is simple, really. Not only does the leg exercise get your butt one step closer to looking like the peach emoji, you're going to feel a serious quad burn along with it. How's that for a double win?

Step 1: Stand with your feet and legs together.

Step 2: Keeping your feet together on the floor, lower your hips down to squat.

Step 3: Place your right tip-toe next to your left ankle. Keeping your left leg steady (and still in the squat), tap your right toe as far back as possible, then tap it back next to your ankle.

Step 4: For a more advanced move, start with the toe off the floor and extend the leg back as far as possible without ever touching the floor.

Step 5: Complete 20-30 taps on each leg three times.

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Leg Exercise No. 2: Clockwork Lunges
You'll be counting down the time (quite literally) in this next leg exercise, as you implement various lunges in one sequence. To slay this leg workout:

Step 1: Stand with your feet and legs together.

Step 2: Step your right foot forward (12 o'clock) and lower into a front lunge. Come back up bringing your feet together.

Step 3: Immediately step your right foot sideways (3 o'clock) and lower into a full squat. Come back up bringing feet together.

Step 4: Immediately step your right foot back (6 o'clock) and lower into a reverse lunge. Come back up bringing feet together.

Step 5: Repeat 12 o'clock (front lunge), 3 o'clock (side squat), and 6 o'clock (reverse lunge) four times on each leg.

Wish you had legs like Taylor Swift or Kendall Jenner? Or maybe just legs you'd feel confident showing off in shorts or dresses this summer? Yeah, us too. That's why we talked to Yumi Lee Mathews, fitness expert and co-owner of the Reebok Crossfit Lab in West Hollywood, to give us the leg workouts for women that actually work -- and work fast.

So what did we find? Well, after having a candid conversation with the Crossfit queen, we were sold on these leg exercises. Yes, you can get your legs looking toned, lean, and dare we say it -- sexy -- in time for bikini season (reminder: girl, you always have a bikini body).

"I love these leg workouts because they can be done anywhere with no equipment, and each of them works every muscle in the lower body, all the way from your butt down to your calves," Mathews says. "They also get your heart rate up for fitness conditioning, which helps burn fat."

Ready to get the sexy legs of your dreams? Here are the six leg workouts that'll give you immediate results.

Image via Imaxtree
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