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Skin Complaint: Leathery-Looking Skin
The Fix: "Once [your skin is] 'leather,' there is a limit to what you can do to improve it," Waldorf says. She does, however, recommend using a retinoid (she like prescription Renova or Avage), and antioxidant cream (try Prevage Anti-Aging Daily Serum, $162), and a peptide-rich product (try Olay Regenerist Daily Regenerating Serum, $22.99). The use of these three active ingredients will help exfoliate skin by improving cell turnover and helping to build collagen.

Waldorf also explains that laser treatments like Fraxel Restore (to improve skin texture and color with minimal downtime), VBeam (for red discoloration) and Q-switched Nd:YAG (for brown spots) can also be helpful in reversing a leathery-looking skin texture and tone.

The lazy days of summer can leave us with more than a few beauty woes come fall. According to dermatologist Heidi Waldorf, MD, "pigmentation and acne" are the two most prominent skin issues women face at the end of the summer. Here, she explains how you can erase these signs of summer and more with the help of over-the-counter products, prescription creams and in-office treatments. Follow this advice and you'll say hello to fall with gorgeous, glowing, spot-free skin.
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