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The #1 skin-dulling habit you should quit ...
Dermatologist Andrew Weil, MD, attributes extremely dry skin, wrinkles, puffiness, and sensitivity to abnormal inflammation of the skin, which can be aggravated by tobacco smoke. So if you want skin that radiates from within, put down those cigarettes!

You can have your of-the-moment neon polishes and orange lipsticks. But whatever the season and whichever the year, beautiful, glowing, healthy skin is always paramount in style. That's why, regardless of "who" they're wearing or which pro did their makeup, red-carpet posing celebs and strutting cat walkers all seem to have a shine to their skin when the rest of us look lackluster. What are they doing that we aren't?

As it turns out, not much. For all their wealth and pelf and fame, stars have skin problems too. (I know -- I've seen an A-lister actually apologize to her makeup artist for breaking out. Such a fun moment!) They also get dull and flaky skin, broken blood vessels, scars, and all those other pesky imperfections, just like the rest of us.

The difference is that while they have access to teams of beauty pros who can erase the evidence and transform them into radiant goddesses, we are left to our own devices -- and, in today's case anyway, some valuable secrets I managed to eke out of a few top-notch beauty teams.

From how to clean your face to what you put in your body, here are my favorite pro tips on getting, maintaining, enhancing, and even faking your way to a gorgeous glow. I use them all the time, and now you're going to want to use them, too.

Learn how to look luminescent now.
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