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Following the trend of pulsating gadgets, this new massaging eye pen is filled with a creamy petido-complex and collagen biospheres, which claim to reduce the look of dark circles and wrinkles. The vibrating massager targets the appearance of bags by helping to drain fluid away from the eye area. You can also pop the tip into the freezer for an added soothing and cooling effect.

A fix for split ends that doesn't involve a pair of scissors? Sign us up. This leave-in treatment contains a unique compound of positively and negatively charged polymers that work to first attach to negatively charged hair and then attach to each other in order to bind spilt ends back together again. Truly awe-inspiring.

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NYX Eyebrow Marker, $9.75
Now we've seen plenty of eyebrow markers hit the market in pricey varieties recently, but this liquid, pen-style brow-filling marker is cheap and effective at creating thin or thick natural-looking brows with zero smearing or smudging. The wet marker dries quickly and lasts all day.

Hate toweling off before reapplying your sunscreen? Well, now you don't have to. This new sunblock is formulated to be applied to wet or sweaty skin. While most sunscreens slip and slide off skin when it's damp, this spray variety actually "cuts through water to form a protective barrier." It's also sweatproof, waterproof (duh), and oil-free.

Mousse and foam formulas are new to the at-home hair color world and we're welcoming them with open arms. This particular one is light, fluffy, mess-free and as easy to use as shampoo. No more separating hair into sections and brushing on hair color -- this micro-aerated formula expands around your hair as you apply it, which means it coats even hard-to-reach areas effortlessly.

Total Beauty trivia question of the day: What can a cosmetic company do in order to set a new beauty product apart from every other generic, boring, same-old bottle of potion we see (and pass by) on the drugstore aisle shelf?

Answer: Produce a game changer. And what exactly is a "game changer?" Well, besides being a buzzword that everyone and their boss is using, it's a beauty product that is strategically unconventional or innovative -- something we haven�t seen before. Basically, it's a beauty product we never knew we always wanted.

Skip to see affordable beauty product breakthroughs now.

And while it seems as though "beauty breakthroughs" should by nature be super expensive, infused with diamonds or made with water from the Himalayas and reserved for celebrities' faces and bodies only, there are plenty of new groundbreaking beauty products that won't break the bank. Yep, that's right, these innovative beauty buys can all be found at your local drugstore.

While some of these budget-friendly innovations are really just the first less-expensive knock off versions of a luxury breakthrough product, they are still inventive because they're the first to boast a certain technology at the right price tag. And we know how important that is to you (it is to us too).

In this roundup of affordable beauty product breakthroughs, you'll find new product technologies that will help you get:

� Whiter teeth
� An instant manicure
� A cleaner face
� Younger skin
� Easy hairstyles
� Gorgeous fuss-free hair color
� Protection from the sun
� Voluminous hair
� De-puffed eyes
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