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TIP 1: Give your medicine cabinet an overhaul
When you have a ton of different skin care products staring at you from your medicine cabinet, it can start to feel too overwhelming. Instead of feeling bogged down by so many options, pare down your routine. Because despite what QVC might be telling you, you only need a few key items to keep your skin healthy. First, throw out any expired products. Next, toss any eye cream or moisturizer where the water has separated from the product and is resting on top -- this is a sign of a product that's lost its efficacy. Finally, trash (or donate) products you don't use on a daily basis or haven�t touched in more than a month.

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TIP 2: Clean up your diet
If you want to spend less time fussing over your skin, your goal should be to have the healthiest skin possible. The easiest way to keep your skin healthy is to eat right and stay hydrated. That means drinking at least eight ounces of water a day and eating foods that are anti-inflammatory and contain lots of anti-oxidants, says Perry. "Also, low glycemic index foods such as salads, bright red and green vegetables, omega 3 rich wild salmon, avocados, olive oil, and blueberries are great for your complexion." She adds that your skin is a projection of what is going on internally. Translation: If you're overdoing it on the junk food, your skin will be the first to tattle on you.

While we're not ones to endorse, support, or approve of skin care neglect, we are realists. And that means we're totally with you if you fall in the I-have-too-much-on-my-plate-to-exfoliate camp.

Squeezing in facials and obsessing over a strict anti-aging routine takes serious amounts of "me"-time. Not to mention beaucoup buckos.

See the 7 fastest ways to get perfect skin now.

And we get it. You're a mom. Or you work insane hours. Or you travel a ton. Or maybe you're just a little lazy (no judgment here!). And because of your insert- excuse-here, skin care just doesn't make its way on your "to-do" list.

That's fine. But just because you've got no time or extra cash, it doesn't mean you're doomed to a lifetime of breakouts and wrinkles. We're here to tell you that with minimal effort, time, and money, you can have clear, soft, healthy skin. It's all about paying attention to what's important.

According to medical aesthetician Susan Perry and Beverly Hills board certified dermatologist Harold A. Lancer, MD, these easy, practical skin care tips are ones even the busiest women can manage.
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