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Famous Celebrity Hair Styles

A highlight of some of the most famous celebrity hair styles of all the time

Some celebrities are defined by their incredible (or outrageous) sense of fashion, while others are recognizable by their infamous hairstyle. Either way, both fashion and hair are responsible for trendsetting, and you know that a celebrity is defined by his or her hair when people spend more time taling about the hairstyle than the person wearing it. Here is a recap of some of the most famous celebrity hairstyles over the years.

The Amy Winehouse: This soul singer was not just famous for her rich, texture voice that could belt out old favorites, but she had one of the most famous celebrity hairstyles: her signature beehive hairdo, an homage representing her love of the sixties. Her poufy mane stood five inches tall, and even admitted that she shared an emotional connection with her hair. Winehouse once admitted that the more insecure she felt, the bigger her beehive would get. Even though Ms. Winehouse is no longer with us, she leaves behind her legendary hairstyle, which she will always be remembered for.

The Farrah Fawcett: This former Charlies Angel was the seventies poster girl for beauty in the 1970s. Her layered feather hairstyle became the most requested style in the hair salons at the time, and still remains one of the more popular famous celebrity hairstyles. Celebrities including Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and Beyonce have all been seen sporting the Farrah Fawcett in more recent times, which is proof that disco never died.

JUN 3, 2024 | SHARES
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