EXPERT Q&A: How to Conquer (or at Least Conceal) Under-Eye Bags
We get so many questions (and tales of woe) about pesky under-eye bags and perma-puff that we decided to call in our resident expert and see what she recommends to combat the condition.

Enter My Beauty Life's go-to makeup gal, Sage Maitri, who was only too happy to come to the rescue of two readers who submitted puffy eye-related queries.

First up? Valerie Couch Meyers who wrote (like so many of you did): "I have constant bags under my eyes. What is good to rid me of them?"

Sage says, "My first bit of advice is to start on the inside out and be mindful of your salt and alcohol consumption. Then, look for treatments that help reduce puffiness. I like Olay Regenerist Anti-Aging Eye Roller, $18.99. Its ingredients not only fight lines and wrinkles, but the product is meant to be massaged into the under-eye area for 30 seconds, and massaging helps to drain/dissipate excess fluid.

If you have more time before a big event, moisten black tea bags and freeze for up to an hour. The caffeine from the tea helps decrease puffiness and the cold helps to constrict blood vessels. Light a candle, lie down, and make a spa experience out of it."

Next, Brooke Burris Icenhour asked, "What is the best technique for concealing puffy under-eye bags?"

To her (and the rest of you), Sage has the following sage (heh) advice: "Makeup can help diminish the appearance of puffy eyes. But, make sure to use a concealer that's not too light, or it will only highlight the puffiness. Also skip any that contain light-reflecting particles (there are a lot of these on the market now), as that will also highlight the puffiness!

And, as far as makeup goes, draw attention away from the area beneath your eyes by keeping shadow and liner on the top only!"

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