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6 Science-Approved Ways to Keep Your Skin Looking Amazing Forever

Follow these rules for gorgeous, glowing skin -- no gimmicks
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Wear SPF Every. Single. Day.
You've heard it a million times, but let's make it a million and one for good measure: You need to wear sunscreen daily. Not just in the summer. Not just when you're going to the beach. And not just in your makeup (unless you're slathering on a teaspoon of the stuff). You need to wear a sunscreen with at least an SPF 30, and you should apply it every morning for the healthiest skin possible.

An Australian study of 900 men and women found that people who used sunscreen religiously for four and a half years showed no signs of skin aging. We repeat: They did not age. So stop hunting for that fountain of youth, and spend your time shopping for a sunscreen that you like instead.

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Take Care of Your Thinnest Skin
Here's the problem with thin skin: It generally lacks some (or all) oil glands, which means it dries out quickly, and the barrier is easily compromised. "Pay special attention to eyes, neck and décolleté," says Engelman. "That skin is thinner and tends to be the first to show signs of aging."

And wrinkles on your chest or the backs of your hands will give away your age -- even if you've worked hard to keep your facial skin looking as young as possible. For amazing looking skin from head to toe, use your facial skin care routine anywhere that's exposed -- i.e. your neck, chest and hands -- and pay special attention to the delicate skin around your eyes.

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You (and Your Skin) Are What You Eat
Here's what scientists know for sure: What you put in your mouth will affect the way your skin looks and functions. Some myths are just that: myths. If you eat a French fry or a piece of chocolate, for example, you're probably not going to break out. But recent studies have uncovered a clear link between dairy and acne. And that same research applies to high glycemic foods in general -- so cake and cookies are equally dangerous to a clear complexion.

Fortunately, there are also skin-benefitting foods. Tomatoes, for example, are rich in lycopene, which boosts the skin's ability to protect itself from the sun. And foods loaded with omega fatty acids, like salmon and nuts, keep skin naturally moisturized and help maintain good barrier function. Meanwhile, antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries help the skin block damage-causing free radicals.

Many doctors say they can assess a patient's diet purely by looking at their skin. And the healthier you eat, the better your skin will look.

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Don't Go Up in Smoke
One of the best ways to keep your skin healthy: Kick that smoking habit. Research proves that smoking cigarettes breaks down collagen and elastin in the skin, leading to premature aging. And, according to the Mayo Clinic, there may be up to a 10-year delay before you see the damage. So quit now -- or be grateful you never started.

MAY 31, 2016 | SHARES
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