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The Cancer-Fighting, Disease-Preventing Superfoods You've Gotta Try Now

Move over, acai and quinoa. Meet the new powerhouse grains, seeds and berries making health news headlines
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Camu Camu: The Edible Anti-Aging Superstar
What It Is:
A small, cherry-like fruit from a tree native to Peru and Brazil.

Health Perks:
Oranges ain't got nothin' on this little berry's vitamin C content. The tiny fruit packs the highest recorded amount of natural vitamin C known on the planet. A one-teaspoon serving of camu camu powder contains 1180 percent of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C -- you'd have to eat 16 oranges for the same amount! Vitamin C supports immune health, and keeps colds from progressing to serious conditions like pneumonia. Besides keeping your sniffles under control, vitamin C is also one of the vitamins that make you look pretty.

How to Eat It:
Unless you're near water in Peru or Brazil, you'll be hard-pressed to find a fresh camu camu berry. You can find it in powder form at most health foods, which can be used to make a wrinkle-smoothing camu camu lemonade, scurvy-banishing smoothie or antioxidant-rich salad dressing.

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Black Seed: Nibble Your Way to a Sudoku Championship
What It Is:
Black seed, a.k.a. black cumin, is found on a flower native to south Asia. It's used as a spice and medicinally in Asia and the Middle East.

Health Perks:
According to a recent study, these jet-colored gems have memory-sharpening properties. After taking a dose of pure ground black seed powder for nine weeks, a group of men in their 50s did substantially better on tests of memory, cognition and attention than the placebo-popping control group. Black seed has also been shown to reduce seizures in epileptic children, reduce symptoms of chemical weapons injuries, MRSA and asthma, allergies and arthritis, and suppress colon cancer. Chew on that, chia seeds. No, seriously, you should be chewing on these.

How to Eat It:
Middle-Easterners mix black seed oil with honey or boiled mint to dull the bitter flavor. Look for the pill form in health food stores.

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Buffaloberry: Reverse Tanning Bed Damage
What It Is:
A bright red, tart berry found in western North America.

Health Perks:
Buffaloberries contain high levels of lycopene, the antioxidant that makes tomatoes red. Lycopene has long been associated with lowering the risk of lung, stomach and prostate cancer. Besides being easier to pronounce than acai and doing a solid for your insides, lycopene helps your outside, too. It's been shown to reduce sun damage by UV rays by whopping 30 percent in a three-month span. Anything that reverses skin damage and prevents cancer that is also edible seems like, um, a berry good idea.

How to Eat It:
If you're in the Dakotas, you can probably throw open your front door, step out onto the prairie and pick yourself a whole bushel o' berries, but other regions aren't so lucky. Buffaloberry isn't widely available yet, but, given its anti-all-the-bad-things properties, the dried version of the berry should be coming soon to a Whole Foods near you.

"Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food." So said Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. With this list of superfoods, you can toss the contents of your medicine cabinet entirely, and rely on your kitchen pantry instead.

What are superfoods? Oh, just your not-so-average edible plant matter packed with disease-battling, cancer-preventing, skin-saving miracle nutrients. To make our list, these foods had to have more than just street cred and a wispy celebrity endorsement -- these claims are backed by science and supported by health professionals.

Click through to see which berries, grains and seeds joined the ranks of kale, quinoa, chia seeds and acai in the superfood echelon.
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