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10 Lazy-Girl Beauty Treatments You Can Do While Lounging

These multitaskers give new meaning to beauty rest
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Exfoliate invisibly
Dry skin? Oily? Combo? No matter your type, summer requires more exfoliation than other months, but taking time to scrub can be time-consuming and easy to forget. But when you're sitting on your porch, taking in a sunset? Why not use a just-add-water scrub to thoroughly wash off the day? This cleanser and face mask in one is super easy and will have you feeling — and looking! — refreshed in less than 10 minutes.

SkinEscens Rejuvenating Facial Powder, $80

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Heal a pimple overnight
Tomorrow, you will proudly stand next to your best friend as he or she marries the love of their life — and so will this major, big-as-your-nose zit. Ugh. A busy summer schedule means your longest time "lounging" is when you finally have a good night's sleep. Before you pass out from overbooking yourself, apply this acne stick-on treatment. As a bonus, you can actually wear it under concealer to help flatten the surface of your zit and no one will know the difference. Win-win!

Peace Out Acne Dots, $19

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Keep your skin healthy on the go
As the busiest time of year for traveling, you might be catching more than just one flight between Memorial and Labor Day. That constant air traffic and stale air doesn't leave your skin happy, making an in-flight mask a smart solution. The only issue is many masks require you to wash off the solution, which is no easy task in a pint-sized airplane bathroom. To the rescue are these masks that cater to whatever you're in need of: dryness, puffiness, you name it.

Purlisse Sheet Mask, pack of 6 for $36

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Get your feet beach-ready
After months in hiding, it's time to show off your new slingbacks, sandals and open-toe beauties. Before your feet's grand debut, give them a bit of extra care while you're catching up on email with this lazy, easy treatment. After washing and drying your feet, separate the foot mask along the dotted line and place on your foot. After 15 to 20 minutes, remove and pat the formula into your skin. You'll be left with smoother toes — and cleaner feet, without much work at all.

Missha Home Aesthetic Paraffin Treatment Foot Mask, $4

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Make your lips summer-fling ready
Blame it on the margaritas — or the romance of the sun — but having a summer fling is a goal plenty of singles aspire to achieve before fall rolls around. It might not be a likely place, but our lips take plenty of heat — literally, as they can become easily sunburned. To ensure you're kiss-ready, try this treatment to rid away any dry skin or flakes. It's ideal for when you're passing away the hours, since it's easy to do and provides near instant results. Scrub your lips for 20 to 30 seconds with your finger, and lick it off (it's just sugar!) Then, leave the mask on for twenty minutes, before wiping away. To finish, add on the balm for everyday use, completing your lip facial.

Sara Happ Perfect Pout in a Box Treatment Set, $62

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