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I Entered a Bikini Competition — Here's What Happened

Curious to see what it takes for an average Jane to become a bikini competitor? We found out
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The Aftermath
The days following show day have been a roller coaster, and I understand why so many competitors struggle with their body image after their show.

In the bodybuilding world, the week before your show is called peak week. During this time, most coaches have you either carb cycling or on a ketogenic diet, while slowly depleting your water supply throughout the week. (One girl I met at my show hadn't had a drop of water in 48 hours.) Your coach often eases up on your workouts as well, to avoid overexerting your depleted muscles. The result? Lean, toned and ripped muscles. (Or for me, flashbacks to my anorexic high school days.)

The problem? You're not meant to be that dried out 24/7, and it's hard to remember that when you look in the mirror weeks after your show and the outline of your abs is completely gone. I became paranoid about gaining weight back, and was very dependent on my coach to help me learn how to balance the real world again. Even with permission to splurge on my diet, I felt an insane amount of guilt for ordering a grilled chicken sandwich. I literally didn't know how to be a normal person anymore.

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The Ultimate Take Away
If I learned anything on this dramatic fitness journey, it's that anyone has what it takes to reach their goals -- fitness or otherwise. It requires setting a goal, committing to it and reminding yourself every day why it's important to you. For me, it will always be about developing a stronger love for myself. While this journey certainly tested that self-love at times, it ultimately showed me that the mind is a powerful thing. If you've got that on your side, you can accomplish anything.

Next up? Another bikini competition this June. If you're curious to see how I do this time around, follow my fitness journey on Instagram @siremj.

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