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10 Breakfasts to Boost Your Metabolism Before 8 a.m.

Registered dietitians give the skinny on what to eat in the morning to keep your motor running
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Best Metabolism-Boosting Breakfast for Keeping You Full Until Lunch
Oatmeal with fruits and nuts

Are you an 11 a.m. snack grazer? We're all guilty of reaching for some almonds (or, ahem, jelly beans) when it's not quite time for lunch yet. To help with this, Natalie, Rizzo, a registered dietician, says to eat something complex in nutrition that will keep you full until it's 'officially' time to pull out your salad. "One of my favorite things to eat in the morning is oatmeal made with milk and topped with fruit and nuts. Although this may sound like a typical breakfast, it's an extremely well-balanced meal of whole grains, protein and healthy fats. The oats provide complex carbs that contain fiber and stay with you for a long time, while the milk and nuts provide protein and healthy fats," says Rizzo. "These macronutrients are a powerhouse combination that will keep you feeling full for a long time and stop you from overeating later in the day."

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Best Metabolism-Boosting Breakfast for Traveling
Two bananas and two handfuls of almonds or two avocados

While sitting down for breakfast is a good way to pass the time while you wait for boarding to begin, airport foods aren't always the most nutritionally sound, especially at small regional airports. Instead of relying on whatever is available in your terminal, pack a breakfast that'll pass through security -- and get the seal of approval from an expert. Private practice dietitian and nutritionist Andy De Santis says an on-the-go breakfast should include healthy fats that are portable. "Eating a good breakfast helps with mental focus and acuity at work and school throughout the day and makes it less likely that you'll pursue unhealthy snack foods before your next meal," he says. "I like to do two bananas with two handfuls of almonds, or two avocadoes. These keep me satisfied for hours!" Maybe you'll even skip the cookies when the flight attendant comes by.

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Best Metabolism-Boosting Breakfast When You're Going to Be Late
High fiber fruits

Blame it on that bottle of champs you split with your best friend last night or your penchant for binge-watching reality TV on weeknights, but sometimes getting out of bed is the hardest thing you'll do all day. When you sleep in far too late and you frankly don't have time to do anything, registered dietician Michelle Jaelin says to make sure your fridge is stocked with foods that are high in fiber, including strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, apples and figs. "Fruit has gotten a bad rap lately because of its sugar content. But fruit is excellent, especially for [the morning], because it raises your blood sugar back up after a night of fasting," says Jaelin. "With a high fiber fruit, you hit two birds with one stone by also boosting your digestion," she explains.

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Best Metabolism-Boosting Breakfast Before a Workout
Two Eggs

Nothing feels quite as good (or empowering!) as finishing your sweat sesh before most of the world is awake. If you kick it in a boot camp class or log a 5K in the park in the a.m., take registered dietician Gisela Bouvier's advice and make sure you eat something that'll get your digestion moving. "Whole eggs provide a healthy fat and protein, including all nine essential amino acids, which are important for building and maintaining muscles and body system functions," she explains. "Our bodies cannot make amino acids. If not consumed, protein in the body breaks down, resulting in loss of muscle."

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Best Metabolism-Boosting Breakfast No Matter Who You Are

If you must have coffee before you can even think about talking to another human being (we feel ya) try your best to double-fist your morning java with some good ol' fashion H2O. Even though coffee is a natural stimulant that'll give you that much-needed jolt of energy, it dehydrates your body, too. "After a good night's rest, most people wake up naturally feeling thirsty. This is a great time to focus on drinking roughly 16 ounces of water, as even mild dehydration can slow down the body's metabolism," explains registered dietician Megan Faletra. "I always keep a liter water bottle next to my bed and drink about half immediately upon waking. You can also choose to drink your water warm with some lemon, which can help promote good digestion first thing in the morning."

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