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How to Keep Your Dry Hands From Going Full-On Crypt Keeper

With help from Paula's Choice Director of Skin Care Knowledge, Deborah Kilgore
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Add oil to your hand cream/lotion

"If hands need an extra boost of hydration, add an emollient oil such as a skin care oil or even extra virgin olive oil to your favorite moisturizer," suggests Kilgore. We've also had good luck mixing in a little Aquaphor for an occlusive boost at nighttime.

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Seek out a heavy duty hand cream

It's time for the big guns now. If your regular hand cream isn't cutting it, you may want to look into an extra thick option. We like the CeraVe Diabetics' Dry Skin Relief Hand and Foot Cream, $9.99, as a budget-friendly no-frills, hard-working option.

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Try a hand mask

"Severely dry hands can benefit from the same hydrating mask you use for your face as an overnight treatment," says Kilgore. "Slather your hands with a mask to soothe thirsty, dehydrated, rough-textured, patchy skin."

If you don't feel like slapping your favorite sleeping mask onto your hands, there are also specially-made hand masks (such as the Patchology Perfect Ten Self-Warming Hand and Cuticle Mask, $10) that'll make for a decadent spa night treat!

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Treat dry cuticles with your favorite balm

"To rectify dry cuticles, use an intense hydrating treatment such as a balm or Vaseline at night, dabbed right onto affected areas," suggests Kilgore. All the better for your at-home nail art, right?

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