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These Five-Minute Exercise Bursts Will Motivate You to Get Your Sweat On

Got five minutes to spare? You can do these nine quick and simple workouts anytime, anywhere
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Core from Your Couch
"This series tones your abs and gets your heart rate up — no gym equipment necessary," says Chelsea Gobster, ACE-certified trainer and founder of Zenith Fitness Co. All you need is your couch, making this the perfect in-between commercials burst. She recommends allocating 45 seconds to each movement with a 15-second rest between each. Use this video for a visual example for all five moves.

· Couch Plank: Facing your couch, place your hands or forearms on the edge of your couch and step back to create a straight line with your body. "Pull your abs in and squeezing your glutes as you continue to breathe deeply," she says.

· Sofa Burpees: "From our plank position, jump or step your feet in towards the couch and reach your arms overhead. Next, bring your hands back to the couch and jump or step your feet back to your plank position." Repeat for 45 seconds.

· Couch Climbers: While in our plank position, drive your knees up to your chest one at a time as if you were running up a mountain.

· Flutter Kicks: "Take a seat on your couch and extend your legs out long in front of you. Leaning back, begin flutter-kicking your feet while keeping abs engaged."

· Plank Jacks: Take this couch workout home by reassuming your plank position. For 45 seconds, jump your feet wide and then back together, as if you were doing a jumping jack with only your legs.

You can find more guidance on these moves on Chelsea's Instagram.

Image courtesy of Chelsea Gobster

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Mountain-Inspired Motivation
Andrew Hughes had plans to tackle a back-to-back climb of Mount Everest and Lhotse this spring, but COVID-19 nipped that idea. Though devastated, he's maintained focus and set his sights on reaching his fitness goal in the future. About his five-minute mountain inspired motivation burst he created for Total Beauty readers, he says, "Seeking a small daily fitness summit and elevating your heart rate doesn't need to take long or require a lot beyond you and your willingness to summit motivation mountain. Body weight exercises can be adapted easily to make them easier or harder and best of all can be done anywhere, from our basements to Everest Base Camp."

· Jog in place for 30 seconds. You can opt for a high knee jog if you want a real heart-pumping way to start off this five-minute burst.
· Speed Sit Ups for 30 seconds
· Speed Air Squats for 30 seconds. To do this move, jump up and, while midair, lift your knees up in a squat position.
· Drop into plank and complete 30 seconds of mountain climbers.
· Flip onto your back and complete 30 seconds of bicycles.
· Focusing on posture, complete one minute of split-squat lunges. You can use a chair for balance.
· Flip back over to your back and complete 30 seconds of flutter kicks.
· Wrap it up with a one-minute plank, adding a push up every 10 seconds.

You can find more guidance on these moves on Andrew's Instagram.

Image courtesy of Andrew Hughes

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Full-Body Blast
"This is a quick, total body workout that you can squeeze in anytime of the day. The effective movements will target your arms, abs, legs, and glutes while raising your heart rate," says Devon Levesque, a fitness trainer and Performix House partner. "One round takes a little over 2 minutes, so repeat twice totaling around five minutes."

· Five Blackbird Push Ups: "Lay flat on your stomach for this move to help develop full range of motion in your shoulders. Lift your shoulders and arms up and drive your elbows back, trying to rest your hands on you back. Next, lift your hands up and bring them back to starting position. Repeat."

· Five Down Dog Yoga Push Ups: "Start in a downward dog position. Roll forward into a plank, go down into a push up, and then push back up into downward dog. Repeat."

· Five Straight-Leg Sit Ups: "Begin by lying flat on your back with legs out straight and hip-width apart. Using your core, sit up and reach forward to tap between your legs. Lay back down flat and repeat."

· Five Leg-Up Toe Taps: "Lay on your back and raise your legs straight up to the ceiling as best as you can. Using your core, reach your arms up to tap your toes, or as far up your legs as you can, then lay back and repeat."

· Five Sprinter Lunges: "Begin in a sprinter position with your left leg bent forward and right leg back with your knee hovering above the ground. Explode up through the left leg bringing the right leg bent up in front of you towards your chest and arms forward. Then bring the right leg back behind into sprinter position and repeat. Repeat on the other side."

You can find more guidance on these moves on Devon's Instagram.

Image courtesy of Devon Levesque

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Abs-olutely Killer Ab Circuit
"The goal of this workout is to help strengthen your core," says Mari Llewellyn, fitness influencer and founder of Mari Fitness Guides. "This five-minute, ab-focused burst will aid you in other exercises and improve overall definition." Allocate one minute to each of the following exercises:

· Elevated Sit Ups: Place your feet up on a couch or chair and get as many sit ups into the minute as you can.

· Leg Raises: With your back flat on the ground, place your hands underneath your butt and slowly — with control — raise your legs to a 45-degree angle. Hold for two seconds, then bring it back legs back down with that same control. Repeat for one minute.

· V-Sits: Laying flat on your back, draw your legs and arms up at the same time to create a V-shape. Make sure you have total control over your body while completing these movements. Repeat for one minute.

· Plank Dips: Assume a plank position with your forearms on the ground and a nice, straight back. Your rear should not be pitched! For one minute, slowly dip your right hip down to the ground, then come back to a neutral position and dip your left hip to the ground.

· Side Plank: Come to a right-sided side plank with your right arm on the ground and left arm in the air. Your hips should be up to create a straight line with your body. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the left side.

Image courtesy of Mari Llewellyn

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Simple Five-Minute Metabolism Boost
"Quick bursts of exercise are an excellent way to boost your metabolism. The high intensity exercise helps build muscle while burning fat and mixing up the modalities allows for a quick and effective whole-body workouts," says Lauren Jenai, co-founder of CrossFit and founder of recently-launched Manifest. "This 5-minute workout will leave you feeling invigorated and you will benefit from its effects throughout the day."

You know the moves already — designate one whole minute to each: Burpees, Sit-Ups; Air Squats, High Knees, and Push ups.

Image courtesy of Lauren Jenai

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