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Kick Your Own Butt With These Female-Only Fitness Classes

Girl power!
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Shapes Fitness for Women

If all you want is an open gym that caters to women, consider Shapes Fitness For Women your new go-to. It's set up like some of the big-name unisex gyms out there, which means you can create your own workouts and go at your own speed. That said, they do offer classes you can sign up for as well. Another bonus is that each club offers spa amenities, which makes post-sweat clean-up more convenient. Current locations include Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.

Image via @shapesfit

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Club Pilates

Club Pilates is also technically for men and women, but classes skew very heavily toward the female demographic. The focus is authentic Pilates movements taken directly from Joseph Pilates himself, only they've been tweaked and modernized to make classes more fun. For example, there's the CP F.I.T., an interval-based class that combines Pilates strength training with boot camp style cardio. Or CP Suspend, a gravity-defying class that combines Pilates with TRX suspension training. Roughly 450 locations are available across the nation.

Image via Club Pilates

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Studio Tone It Up

If you're not into the idea of leaving your home to workout, the Studio Tone It Up app has you covered. It's a personal, on-the-go, female-focused fitness studio that allows you to work out whenever, wherever, and with whomever you want. New classes are added weekly, with each focusing specifically on toning and sculpting. Currently, over 5 million women use the app across the world. At base-level it's free, but you can upgrade to a $13/month membership for access to even more classes and features.

Image via Studio Tone It Up

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