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Adult Acne? 6 Things Everyone Needs to Know

Because you think you know everything there is to know about acne and blackheads ... but you don't
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Your Acne Could Be Caused By a Serious Medical Condition
"If you've tried a lot of medicines, pills and prescriptions, think about your hormones," says Miami-based dermatologist Betty Bellman, M.D. She sees a lot of patients who come in with symptoms of persistent acne, those stray, wiry facial hairs, and trouble losing weight. Sound like you? It could be PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). According to the Office on Women's Health, as many as five million women in the U.S. may be affected. Dr. Bellman refers these patients to an endocrinologist, who can help figure out the best way to regulate the hormonal imbalance.

All acne is hormone-related, but flare-ups caused by Aunt Flo and breakouts induced by a visit from your in-laws respond differently based on the treatment. Most hormonal acne (the kind related to your period) will pop up about a week before your period and it appears along your chin and jaw line, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research for the department of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center. If this is when and where you notice your breakouts occurring, look into hormonal fixes, like birth control, with your doctor.

Spironolactone is also prescribed for treating hormonal acne flare-ups, according to Dr. Zeichner. Originally designed to treat high blood pressure, the medication has been used off-label for decades to treat acne. "It works by competing with testosterone," says Dr. Zeichner. It races the testosterone to your oil glands and binds to the receptor before the testosterone -- decreasing oil production and starving the acne-causing bacteria on your face.

Acne caused by stress hormones can't be helped by contraceptives. Your skin freaks when you're stressed because it causes your adrenal glands to pump out more cortisol, increasing oil production and "feeding" the acne-causing bacteria on your face. The solution? Manage your stress (yeah, easier said than done) and get into a good cleansing regimen.

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There's a Blackhead Cure Hiding in Your Refrigerator
You know why blackheads seem to hang around a lot longer than your average pimple? Because they sit inside of the pore and dead skin builds up on top of it, sealing in the blackhead, says Dr. Bellman. The majority of blackheads are caused by external factors, like makeup, because they plug up your pores. "Once the pores get clogged, there's really only one way for the contents to get out," says Dr. Zeichner. No picking! Little by little, your body actually pushes the gunk out of your pore.

Dr. Bellman says you can help loosen your blackheads with a simple egg white mask. Whisk one egg white until its frothy, or toss it in a blender. Pat the egg white onto any areas with blackheads and let it dry completely before rinsing off. Do this 1-2 times per month and you'll see improvement.

You can also use a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) exfoliant like salicylic acid, which sinks into the oil gland and loosen blackheads; it also kills bacteria, which prevents the blackhead from turning into a pimple. Or, your dermatologist can prescribe a retinoid that will zap blackheads, like Tretinion, Azaphalene and Tazarozene. Here's a little blackhead fact that'll blow your mind: The average lifespan of a blackhead is about a month, but they can hang around for months -- even years! (Editor's note: Please don't Google "25-year-old blackhead." No, really. Don't. We're still squirming.)

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You Should Quit Using Your Clarisonic
Because dead skin is the only thing standing between you and popping out that blackhead, it makes sense to exfoliate every day, right? Wrong. Resist the siren song of those "invigorating granules" and Clarisonic-type scrubbing devices -- Dr. Bellman says she's seen far too many patients do more harm than good by over-exfoliating and irritating their skin more -- which only leads to more pore blockage.

Picking also counts as irritating your blackheads. It's not as bad as popping a pimple ("[A picked pimple] will stay red for two to three weeks instead of two to three days," warns Dr. Alexiades-Armenakas) it can still lead to infection and scarring.

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You Must Avoid These Ingredients at All Costs
Want to cure your breakouts? Put down the sunscreen. All three dermatologists warn that sunscreen is a huge acne trigger because many of the ingredients are oil-based. Dr. Alexiades-Armenakas recommends minimizing your sun exposure and only wearing an oil-free sunscreen if you're spending extended periods outside.

Keep an eye on the ingredient labels on your makeup and skin care products, too. Ingredients like vitamin E, avocado oil, algae extract and sodium lauryl sulfate are highly comedogenic, which is a big fancy word for "muck up your pores."

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A Facial Oil Can Cure Your Acne
Facial oils may be your saviour in battling the oil build-up that causes acne. "When you use natural facial oils, your skin is less dehydrated and sebum is less likely to cornify -- making little plugs for your pores," says Kristen Ma, a certified ayurvedic practitioner. But not all oils are created equally. Mineral oils, like petroleum, can cause acne because they sit on top of the skin and clog pores instead of sinking in, says Ma. And Ma recommends skipping circulation-stimulating ingredients (think: rose hip oil and sesame oil) because they can force toxins to the surface and trigger breakouts.
Oils that won't cause your acne to flare up? Ma recommends coconut oil for it's anti-inflammatory properties, as well as jojoba oil, which has the same consistency as the oils on our faces. But just like the oils you cook with, make sure the ones you put on your face are high quality. Meaning: generally you get what you pay for. This doesn't mean you have to throw down hundreds of dollars, just look for oils that are minimally processed and have few-to-no additives.

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