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7 Sneaky Reasons Why Your Hair Is So Dry

Dry hair? This could be why
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Reason No. 4: You need to cut back on the dye jobs
The longer you wait between getting your hair touched up, the better. The ammonia in hair dye dries out your hair and too-frequent touch-ups will really do a number on your tresses. So, experiment with ombre styles and stock up on color-preserving hair products!

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Reason No. 5: It's your handbag
Yes, really: The straps of your purse could be doing more damage than you think. If you're constantly wearing a strap over your shoulder and pulling your hair out from under it, all that friction and stress adds up, leading to split ends and damage. Who knew?

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Reason No. 6: You're not trimming your hair enough
You're trying to grow out your hair, so you've been skipping your trims — makes sense, right? This actually isn't such a good idea, since hair can fray and start to break around six weeks after its last cut, leaving it looking frizzy and dry.

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Reason No. 7: Your diet could be the problem
If you're not getting enough nutrients or vitamins, then it will reflect in the rest of your body. For example, a lack of vitamin B7 can cause brittle hair and nails. Foods rich in B7 include egg yolks, organ meats, fish, meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, yeast, whole grains and bananas.

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