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Charcoal Toothpaste: Does the Black Stuff Really Whiten?

It's the hottest ingredient in oral care — we've got the lowdown on whether it's worth trying
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The claims
Charcoal has been used forever to clean teeth — though while the ancient Romans may have started the trend, it's buzzier than ever right now. Brushing with activated charcoal can help with bad breath by absorbing the bacteria that causes it. It's gritty, like baking soda, so it can also be used to buff the surfaces of your teeth, to literally polish them.

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Does it 'detox' your mouth?
Sugar and bacteria in your mouth make it acidic, and charcoal can work to keep pH levels more balanced, which in turn makes it more difficult for the bacteria to proliferate — so in that sense, it's detoxifying. But most dentists say it's not much better than any other toothpaste in this regard.

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Is it safe?
Some studies say that charcoal toothpaste may not be the best choice, as it doesn't help protect against tooth decay. To that end, most dentists recommend fluoride, and many of the natural kinds of toothpaste that use charcoal don't have it.

Charcoal is abrasive and could wear down the enamel, so don't use it every day without talking to your dentist. You're also going to want to make sure to use a very fine charcoal (in other words, you don't want to essentially sandpaper your enamel away).

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Does it actually whiten?
Activated charcoal can remove surface stains, which means if you have a latte addiction, this might be your jam. Things like wine, berry, or tea stains can be effectively removed with charcoal toothpaste. It won't, however, have much of an effect on intrinsic stains, like those from smoking. You'll need a professional whitener for that.

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What are some other options?
If you're looking to whiten naturally, you have some other choices. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are great alternatives to charcoal. If you want white teeth by any means necessary, here are some awesome ways to do it.

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