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11 Beauty Horror Stories You Have to See to Believe

Read at your own risk...
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Eyebrow Tint Leaves Girl Looking Like a Frog
The goal is to kiss a frog with the hopes that he turns into Prince Charming ... not brush on a little brow tint and wind up looking like Kermit himself.

The latter happened to 16-year-old Tylah Durie, after she attempted to darken her eyebrows with some store-bought dye. The result looked nothing like Cara Delevingne, but rather a puffy, swollen mess of redness. The brand she used apparently offers an allergy patch test to make sure that users don't wind up with an allergic reaction ... ahem, something Durie chose to ignore (like most of us do).

Ten minutes after applying the dye and rinsing it off as instructed, all seemed fine -- she was even pleased with the results, so she told Elite Daily. Then, the burning and itching sensation ensued, leaving her with a severe allergic reaction (to the ingredient paraphenylenediamine, a darkening agent) just 30 minutes later. The poor girl couldn't open her lids! Bottom line: Take the patch test -- for all of our sakes.


Image via Elite Daily

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Woman Left With Slugs for Brows After Tinting
Word to the wise: Don't get your brow tinting done at a nail salon. That was one Bristol mom's bad move before she wound up with "two black slugs" for eyebrows. The procedure was offered to her while she was having her nails done at a nearby salon. When speaking about the mishap, her daughter told Bristol Post, "They weren't qualified to do this. Her face ballooned and we had to get the paramedics out as her eyebrow was burnt off while her face was puffing really badly." The salon technicians apparently told her to keep the tint on for an hour, when the max exposure time should have been 10 minutes.

Research shows they should never have offered her the tint in the first place, since she had just had a wax and doing so after waxing is a major no-no since the follicles are wide open and the chemicals seep deeper into the pores.


Image via Bristol Post

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Microblading Leaves Woman With Severe Skin Infection
The famed brow-enhancing technique known as "feathering," a typically painless procedure that leaves you with semi-permanent brows, has taken social media by storm -- so much so that it inspired Australian Amanda Coats to give it a try.

While she was getting the procedure, Coats noted that the technician was very rushed and was even tending to other clients' eyebrows in between finishing her procedure (without switching gloves!). The result? Her forehead and eyelids started showing some signs of redness and the ink started to fade -- two unusual symptoms post-procedure. But what happened days later was even more shocking: Her entire face and eyes started to swell significantly to the point where her eyebrows looked like third-degree burns. She had to go on antibiotics to reduce the swelling, which left her with almost $1,300 in medical bills.


Image via Good Housekeeping

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Patient Injects Cooking Oil Into Her Face as DIY Silicone
If this headline alone doesn't give you the chills, buck up, because the full story is even more disturbing.

Hang Mioku, a plastic-surgery-obsessed Korean patient whose doctors had told her they would no longer operate on her due to psychological issues, decided to become her own plastic surgeon -- injecting an entire bottle of black market silicone into her face.

When that wasn't enough to satisfy her desires, she resorted to cooking oil -- yes, the kind you'd use to cook up a stir-fry. Her story was so tragic, that it was covered on a Korean television show, which was good news for Mioku, since it earned her thousands of dollars, which she used to pay for corrective surgery. After 10 operations, where surgeons removed nearly 300g of silicone, oil and other foreign substances from her face and neck, she is still left disfigured.


Image via Daily Mail

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Face Moisturizer Leads to Severely Swollen Face and Lips
The competition between sisters can be a fierce one, especially when it comes to beauty. Such was the case with Cynthia Nkomo, who decided to use her sister's beauty cream -- a treatment which her sister has used for years and attributed to her good looks and enviable figure. But when Nkomo gave the mixture a try, she wound up with a red, swollen face and mouth. In fact, she claims her mouth was so swollen that she couldn't even kiss her boyfriend and could only drink liquids out of a straw for two days straight. It turns out, there was likely something in the cream that caused her to have an allergic reaction that her sister never experienced. We guess that's why there's a right skin-care regimen for each and every skin type!


Image via Daily Sun

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