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6 Exercises That'll Make Your Cellulite (Almost) Disappear

Ditch your sarong and capri pants; with these moves you won't need them at all
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Erin Romney, owner/instructor of Romney Pilates and Romney at the Ritz, says strength training the overall body is a great way to reduce cellulite, but you should also pay particular attention to the areas you're looking to firm up. Try her Pilates sequences that target your back side and thighs:

Pilates Bridge
Lay on your back with your feet hip width apart on the ground, your knees bent, and your arms at your side. Slowly start to bridge your spine upward starting with the tailbone. Lift your hips off the ground until you're resting in between your shoulder blades. Make sure you draw the belly in to maintain your alignment and protect the low back. Once hips are lifted, add some pulses at the top by squeezing your glutes up an inch and then down an inch. Pulse for 30 seconds and then slowly bridge down. Repeat until you're exhausted, about 5 to 7 times.

Side Kick Series
Lay on your side with straight legs at a 45 degree angle in front of your body, resting your head in your hand with your elbow on the ground. Your other arm can either rest on your hip, or rest in front of you for extra support. Lift your top leg straight out to hip height and glide it forward and backward, keeping the leg at the same height the entire time. Don't allow your pelvis to rock forward and back, instead keep your hips in alignment while doing the movement.

Side Kick Variation
Lying on your side, take the legs at a 90-degree angle in front of the body. Support your head again like in the side kick series. Lift your top leg and alternate tapping the toe in front of the lower leg and tapping the heel behind the lower leg, so that you're drawing an arch with your foot. Repeat for 30 seconds, then isolate the taps: Repeat just the front toe taps 10 counts, and then repeat the heel taps behind for 10 counts. Repeat the entire sequence until fatigue, about 3 to 5 times, and then switch sides.

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Get Intense and Lay Low
High intensity cardio intervals are great for blasting calories and fat, says Barnet. Plus, they help increase your overall metabolism. Look out for high intensity or total body workout classes, such as spinning, kick-boxing, or dance-based cardio, or try out an interval workout on the treadmill.

In addition to your short bursts of high-intensity workouts, it's also a good idea to incorporate low-level activities such as walking, riding your bike through the park, light swimming, or even restorative yoga as much as you can during the week. Low-level activities help burn calories slowly all day, specifically drawing on fat sources, says Barnet.

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Roll it out
Try out a foam roller, which is a thick piece of hard foam that massages sore areas and breaks up interwoven fat fibers. A foam roller can loosen up any common areas of tightness, and also functions like a deep tissue massage. At home or at the gym, try slowly rolling various parts of your body over the foam, almost like using a rolling pin to roll out dough. Romney explains, "the rolling increases the flow of nutrient-rich blood to these areas, stretches connective tissues, and improves circulation. This enables the body to expel abnormal fluid retention and toxins." Increasing circulation through massage can help shift the appearance of cellulite and reduce the dimpling effect.

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