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Should You Try a CBD Lip Balm?

CBD actually has lots of benefits that make it a great lip balm ingredient
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CBD is everywhere these days — it's touted as everything from a topical pain reliever to a sleep aid... and now, it's the beauty ingredient du jour. Its newfound popularity makes sense: Because in addition to being "buzzy," CBD oil is non-comedogenic, rich in antioxidants, and it works as a natural inflammatory. Oh, and don't worry: It doesn't include THC (the psychoactive component of marijuana), so you don't have to worry about getting high.

With all that in mind, it's actually becoming a popular ingredient for lip balms. Are CBD lip balms something you'd be interested in trying? Keep reading to see some of the benefits... and shop some of our favorite picks.

Image via Imaxtree

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It's good for your skin
We know we're not the only ones who have thrown out lip balms after the flu or a cold sore. CBD has natural antibacterial properties, which makes it a no-brainer for lip balms, since it'll stay germ-free. It also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, which is boon for any lip irritations (including those aforementioned cold sores). Yep, CBD is good for your skin — lips included.

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It reduces anxiety
Studies have shown that CBD can reduce anxiety — so could a quick swipe on the lips when you're feeling panicky might actually be helpful. It probably won't make as much of a difference as a couple drops under the tongue (or a fancy CBD-infused gummy or two, but it definitely can't hurt.

Image via Strauss/Curtis/Getty

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So, is CBD lip balm right for you?
Well, is it? You're the only one that can answer that question. Bottom line is, we're excited by the potential benefits and have enjoyed the CBD-infused products we've tried so far. Though as a disclaimer, be sure find out if CBD is legal where you live: The last thing you want is to get busted... for chapped lips.

Ready to give them a go? Keep on reading to see some of our favorites.

Image via Hoxton/Sam Edwards/Getty

This balm uses all organic hemp and full-spectrum CBD oil along with coconut oil and beeswax, to moisturize and protect lips.

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