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Can This Whopper Perfume by Burger King Possibly Be Real?

Plus, 11 other befuddling beauty products that shouldn't exist but do
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Not the Kind of Facial Mask We Had in Mind
Another bizarre beauty product care of Japan, the Facewaver Exercise Mask "stretches and tightens the face and cheeks, kneading out wrinkles, lines and sags," and in the process makes you look like Edvard Munch's muse.

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Bummer of a Manicure
These Bootie Babe Nail Polishes just secured their own design patent for the butt-shaped bottle (because you know Essie was just dying to steal the idea), and come in colors like Bum Rush, Bubble Butt and Buns of Steel. Well, at least they're vegan. Wonder if they've got phallic lipsticks in the works.

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Smells Like ... Starving Artist?
Demeter is known for their wacky, out-of-the box fragrances (Christmas In NY is a personal favorite), but this Turpentine scent lacks major appeal. Yes, we've all had that fantasy of dating a moody artist with paint under his nails, but we'll pass on the scent that comes with it.

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Color Me Confused
My New Pink Button is a temporary dye for your labia for those looking for a more "youthful pink color." And no worries, it comes in four different shades of pinks, corals and reds so you can ... match it to your lipstick?

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A Foreskin Facial
When Oprah gave ringing endorsements of anti-aging cream TNS Recovery Complex, anti-circumcision groups responded in an uproar. The cream is said to contain foreskin-derived cells (okay, so not exactly foreskin), but we're still not sure how we feel about slathering our faces in it. One convincing factor -- derms seem to love the stuff.

There are some beauty products that are so crazy/awesome/amazing, we just can't believe the world went on spinning without them. Powdered cleansers that get past TSA -- so handy! BB cream for your body -- how did no one think of this sooner? And then there are some beauty products that are so crazy, we can't believe they exist. Take for instance edible deodorant. Not only did someone dream up this concoction (and think it was a good idea), its inventor also managed to convince financial backers and stores that people need this product. Yes, we wish we could say it's an April Fools' prank, but trust us when we say it's legit. Here, 11 unbelievable beauty products that seem like a joke, but aren't.
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