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10 Beauty Hacks That Would Make MacGyver Proud

We sifted through hundreds of hacks to find the ones you haven't heard before (and that really work!)
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For legs that are duller than the last season of 'The Bachelor'
The hack: Mix a highlighter into your body lotion for a subtle, summery glow.

Does it work? Being a girl of the ultra-fair-skinned variety, self-tanners don't look quite right on me -- plus, they require continuous upkeep, something I just don't have time for. As a result, my legs are pale and pasty as can be, even in the summer. I mixed a couple squirts of Manna Sheer Glo into my daily body lotion and applied as usual. While this didn't make my legs any tanner, it did give them a subtle, radiant glow that was a major step up from their usual zombie-like pallor.

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For an unexpected frizzy-hair crisis
The hack: Use hand lotion as a stand-in for a smoothing serum.

Does it work? Fellow editorial assistant Hayley cops to doing this almost every day in place of frizz serums (she says they make her hair too oily). After she puts on her hand lotion, she simply uses the extra to smooth down any flyaways. And, as an added bonus, she notes that it keeps your hands from being too greasy to type.

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For hair that has the kind of static you've only seen on Bill Nye
The hack: Rub a dryer sheet over staticky hair to tame it.

Does it work? My hair is prone to going haywire, and I can't load it up with smoothing products because they weigh down my fine hair. A couple of swipes of this over my head, and my crazy-hair (brought on by pulling a staticky dress on over my head) was gone. Quick, simple and it works.

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For midday shiny-face syndrome
The hack: Use a hand sanitizer to combat an oily face.

Does it work? I feel like a lot of dermatologists are shuddering at the prospect of someone putting Purell on their face. Do I recommend it? Not necessarily (I'll probably wake up tomorrow with flaky skin). But, it worked. In a pinch -- and I mean an absolute pinch where the horror of meeting someone with a greasy face far outweighs your revulsion at putting hand sanitizer on your face -- then yes, by all means go for it. It's a quick fix you probably have sitting in your purse right now. Still, you're probably better off grabbing a Starbucks napkin or toilet seat cover, which work just as well and won't dry out your skin.

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For high-heel-ravaged feet
The hack: To prevent blisters, apply deodorant to places where you know your shoes are going to rub.

Does it work? Shoes rubbing painfully against your feet can quickly turn a fun night into one where you're hobbling down the street, shoes in hand (not a good look). Well, great news: Applying deodorant to your feet where you think your shoes might rub before you head out for the night will prevent this sad scenario. Editorial assistant Hayley says it last for about four hours. Just make sure you don't put it all over your feet, otherwise you may have a slippery time walking.

What do hand sanitizer, dryer sheets and baby powder all have in common? Aside from their conventional uses, they moonlight as quick fixes to many of your beauty-related issues. We pored over hundreds of so-called "life-changing" beauty tips and makeup tricks to find the most bizarre ones -- and then, of course, we had to test them to see which ones actually worked. Here, find the 10 beauty hacks that made the cut. (You can thank us later.)
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