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How to Get Rid of Back Acne for Good

These tips and treatments will make unsightly back acne and body blemishes a thing of the past
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Keep Skin Hydrated
To keep your sebum levels in check, give your post-showering routine a makeover, too. Steamy hot showers zap skin of moisture, leaving you with parched pores that overcompensate by producing more oil than usual, paving the way for back acne.

To prevent body acne, lower the temperature from scorching to tepid and resist the urge to scrub with your towel. Once you step out, slather on a non-comedogenic lotion, like Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion, $13.99, while your skin is still damp, then gently pat yourself dry.

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Wipe Up After Workouts to Prevent Bacne
Kudos for hitting the gym. But while you're pumping iron to look your best in that new bikini, your adrenal glands are pumping out testosterone, the lovely hormone that stimulates the creation of sebum. The end result: your skin gets a boost of pore-clogging oil that can lead to body acne.

Your best bet to get rid of back acne is to shower ASAP after each workout. If that's not doable, Zeichner recommends wiping off with cleansing towelettes, like The Body Shop Tea Tree Cleansing Wipes, $13.50, for normal skin. And while we're talking gym germs...

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Clean Your Yoga Mat
The sweat, the dust, the oil from last week's class, whatever your feet picked up since you changed into your yoga pants...there's a whole colony of pore-clogging bacteria living in your yoga mat just waiting to cause body acne.

Wipe down your mat after every use to prevent back acne. Stash some mat wipes in your gym bag to wipe down communal mats (We like Herban Essentials towelettes, $16 ). Alternatively, pick up a pre-bottled yoga mat spray, or make your own cleaner by mixing tea tree oil or vinegar with water in a spray bottle. Once a month, throw your mat in the washer without detergent for a thorough scrub down.

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Use a Back Acne Treatment Spray
If you tend to be oily and frequently have bacne breakouts, Zeichner suggests spritzing your back with a spray containing salicylic acid, like Glo Therapeutics Back Acne Treatment , $33.50, to remove excess oil until you can hit the showers. We also like AcneFree Body Clearing Acne Spray, $10.99, a quick-acting formula that contains 2 percent salicylic acid, as well as glycolic acid, vitamin B3 and aloe.

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Zap Back Acne Bacteria
Curve-hugging anything can be super-flattering, but the minimal personal space between the fabric and your skin traps sweat. And while it's stuck under all that Lycra and polyester, sweat starts to make friends with all the other things on your skin (think: oil, dirt and bacteria). Before you know it, you've created the perfect breeding ground for inflammation (and body acne) under your LBD.

Zeichner recommends swiping your skin with medicated wipes like Origins Spot Remover Acne Treatment Pads, $28.50, before getting dressed to minimize the bacteria that causes back acne.

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