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The ABCs of Anti-Aging

Everything you need to know about fighting wrinkles, saggy skin, dark spots and other signs of aging
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Glycolic acid
"Glycolic acid is the most widely used AHA (see A) in skin care products," says Dr. Woolery-Lloyd. Dr. Lancer recommends introducing glycolic acid into your skin care routine as a chemical exfoliant gradually, because it can irritate or scar darker skin tones.

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Hyaluronic acid
"This is a sugar produced by the body to keep tissues cushioned and lubricated," says Dr. Lancer. As you age, or if you don't maintain a healthy diet (which, let's face it, happens), you lose hyaluronic acid. Look for this in moisturizers to plump the skin for a more youthful appearance.

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Ionized water
"Free radicals thrive in acidic environments, which increases cell oxidation, one of the root causes of aging," says Dr. Lancer. Drinking ionized water from a filter or ionizer can help maintain the alkaline pH in your body. Ross Bridgeford, author of "The Alkaline Diet Recipe Book," recommends starting slowly by drinking mild alkaline water for two weeks, slowly increasing the pH level. (The pH of tap water typically ranges from 6.0 to 8.4 pH; ionized water ranges from 8.4 to 9.4 pH.)

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Adding fresh-pressed juices to your diet can significantly increase your Vitamin C intake (see C). "Higher vitamin C intakes are associated with a lower likelihood of a wrinkled appearance, whereas increased fat and carbohydrate intakes increase the likelihood of a wrinkled appearance," says Dr. Woolery-Lloyd. Not into green juices? Just eat your fruits and veggies.

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Dark green vegetables such as kale contain high levels of vitamins and minerals. "In addition to being a great base for a healthy diet, these vitamins and minerals aid collagen production and help the skin cells to reproduce and repair themselves," says Dr. Lancer.

You know those stories about the latest, greatest breakthroughs and research into anti-aging -- the ones that make you feel like you need a masters degree in chemistry, biology and dermatology to understand? This isn't one of them. Because creating an amazing anti-aging skin care regimen isn't about knowing every nuance behind the science of anti-aging. It's about distilling all of the research and how-to tips out there into a plan that suits you -- a plan that fits your life and your unique skin care needs.

Consider this your elementary guide to youthful, wrinkle-free and radiant skin. It's as easy as A-B-C.
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