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9 Quick-and-Easy Energy-Boosting Hacks That'll Make You Feel Awake AF

Put a pep in your step with these simple habits that take only few minutes -- no caffeine required
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Rise and Dine
When it comes to breakfast, not all meals are created equal. To get the most energy-boosting benefits from your morning meal, Phillips recommends kicking off your day with a combination of complex carbohydrates and protein.

Foods rich in complex carbohydrates -- think fruits, vegetables and whole grains -- contain sugars that are a "readily usable source of energy for our cells," says Phillips. Unlike simple sugars -- the kinds found in foods containing glucose, sucrose, fructose or any other ingredient ending in "ose" -- the sugars found in complex carbohydrates allow for a slow and steady rise in blood sugar and, in turn, energy. That means you won't get that crazy sugar high and inevitable crash that you might get with eating, say, a supersweet breakfast cereal.

And as for proteins, Phillips says they are "important in manufacturing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is what we use for energy."

Some easy breakfast options: peanut butter toast and an apple, Greek yogurt with berries and whole-grain granola or oatmeal with walnuts and raisins.

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Put Some Backbone Into It
Looks like your mom may have had a good reason for telling you to sit up straight all those years. "Poor posture doesn't just make you look like you're tired, it can actually make you feel tired," says Phillips. If your body isn't properly aligned, she explains, you can put excess strain on your back and hips, which means your body has to work harder and you end up feeling more tired. A slumped-over position also lowers mood -- and self-esteem, which won't exactly put pep back in your step.

To avoid that mid-afternoon slump in both posture and energy levels, make a conscious effort to check your posture whether you're sitting or standing. "Your shoulders should be back with your blades almost touching -- as close to touching as you can get them," advises Phillips. You should also be mindful of having your head jut too far forward or back.

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Try a Midday Stretch
If you're having trouble focusing but fear you might have to take a trip to the ER if you down another energy drink, a simple stretch might help. "Any position that puts your head below your waist increases blood flow to your brain and makes you more alert," says Phillips. "So even something as simple as standing up and touching your toes for 10 seconds can help improve your alertness." Desk-bound workers might appreciate the fact that they can pull off this move while sitting down.

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Take a Whiff of a Revitalizing Scent
Forget waking up and smelling the roses. If you want to kick start your day, Phillips suggests getting a whiff of peppermint, rosemary or jasmine, which have all been shown to increase alertness.

For an easy way to incorporate this energy-enhancing aromatherapy into your life, she recommends using products with notes of the stimulating scents during your morning shower. Try lathering up with Juara Tiare Jasmine Tea Bath & Shower Gel and then moisturizing with an invigorating peppermint moisturizer, like Bath & Body Works Triple Moisture Body Cream Twisted Peppermint cream.

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Stop Sabotaging Your Sleep
Avoid common bedtime blunders that have a negative effect on the quality of your sleep. Many of us are glued to our cell phones, tablets, laptops or televisions up until it's lights out, but the artificial light that these devices emit, called blue light, can make it harder for us to nod off. "Our brain has normal circadian cycles and when it's time for us to go to sleep, melatonin is released, which helps us feel calm and a little bit drowsy," says Phillips. "Artificial or blue light delays the release of the appropriate amount of melatonin, so it can make it harder to fall asleep." She recommends shutting off all devices an hour before going to bed and keeping them in another room if they remain lit up while charging.

Likewise, light creeping into the bedroom from street lamps can also disrupt circadian rhythms. Consider investing in a product like the Sound Asleep Blackout Window Curtain Liner to create a pitch black sleeping environment.

Finally, try replacing your nighttime ritual of catching up on your Instagram feed with taking a warm bath (after all, you're going to need something to do in the hour you take a break from your devices before bedtime). When your body prepares for sleep, its temperature drops. "Once you step out of your warm bath, the sudden drop in body temperature kind of mimics the natural drop in body temperature that you have when you fall asleep, so that's a good way to unwind," says Phillips.

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