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9 Quick-and-Easy Energy-Boosting Hacks That'll Make You Feel Awake AF

Put a pep in your step with these simple habits that take only few minutes -- no caffeine required
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Stop Sabotaging Your Sleep
Avoid common bedtime blunders that have a negative effect on the quality of your sleep. Many of us are glued to our cell phones, tablets, laptops or televisions up until it's lights out, but the artificial light that these devices emit, called blue light, can make it harder for us to nod off. "Our brain has normal circadian cycles and when it's time for us to go to sleep, melatonin is released, which helps us feel calm and a little bit drowsy," says Phillips. "Artificial or blue light delays the release of the appropriate amount of melatonin, so it can make it harder to fall asleep." She recommends shutting off all devices an hour before going to bed and keeping them in another room if they remain lit up while charging.

Likewise, light creeping into the bedroom from street lamps can also disrupt circadian rhythms. Consider investing in a product like the Sound Asleep Blackout Window Curtain Liner to create a pitch black sleeping environment.

Finally, try replacing your nighttime ritual of catching up on your Instagram feed with taking a warm bath (after all, you're going to need something to do in the hour you take a break from your devices before bedtime). When your body prepares for sleep, its temperature drops. "Once you step out of your warm bath, the sudden drop in body temperature kind of mimics the natural drop in body temperature that you have when you fall asleep, so that's a good way to unwind," says Phillips.

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