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8 Foods Celebrities Never Eat

In the ever-glamorous (and fit) world of celebrities, these foods are at the top of their do-not-eat list
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Avoid: Processed 'Health Foods'
Who Avoids It: Jessica Biel

Why: You know those easy, on-the-go protein bars, microwaveable meals, and meal replacement shakes? According to Goglia, processed foods are all crap -- no matter what their health claims.

"As manufactured foods, these items are generally more difficult to digest, and through the reduction of calories, can cause cravings for higher sugar or higher fat foods to compensate for daily energy needs," Goglia says. While grabbing that protein bar might seem like a healthier choice than reaching for say, that BLT (extra B please) -- Goglia says the best diet foods are real food. "Stick to one-ingredient foods like yams, oatmeal, chicken, fish, lean steak, vegetables and fruits," Goglia says. "There are no better diet foods than these."

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Avoid: Juice
Who Avoids It: Taylor Schilling

Why: This next diet no-no might come as a shock, considering you can't go anywhere without hearing about another celebrity juice cleanse. While fresh squeezed and cold-pressed juices do offer some nutritional benefits, Los Angeles based nutritionist Ilana Muhlstein, R.D. with Explore Cuisine, says that, in general, juice cleanses are the antithesis of healthy.

"I find them to be ridiculous, expensive and totally nonsensical," Muhlstein says. "They don't include fiber from the fruits and vegetables, which is where the bulk of the benefits are held. They leave people starving and deprived, and can cause a super unhealthy relationship with food."

In fact, "Orange Is the New Black" star Taylor Schilling, point-blank told People, "I don't roll with the juice cleanses. I will never do that. I like chicken and beans." Goglia supports Schilling's stance, and adds that because juice is so low in fiber, it rapidly penetrates the bloodstream, causing an immediate rise in blood sugar, which will ultimately result in a loss of energy and lethargy in a matter of minutes.

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Avoid: Soy
Who Avoids It: Gwyneth Paltrow

Why: If you're vegetarian or vegan, soybeans might be a primary source of protein for you, but according to Goglia you're not getting a whole lot of bang for your buck. "There are amino acids (the building blocks of protein), but those amino acid structures within soybeans are difficult for us to absorb," Goglia explains. "First and foremost, soy is a starch and sugar [two things you want to avoid when trying to slim down]. It's high in estrogen, and it's been linked to numerous cancers, (primarily breast cancer) in both men and women. Any products high in estrogen like wheat and soy are unfavorable choices."

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Avoid: Breakfast Cereal
Who Avoids It: Cameron Diaz

Why: You may want to sit down for this one. When it comes to losing weight, increasing energy and giving yourself a runway-worthy figure, bread, pasta, muffins, pastries and cereals are all on the no-no list. While the sweet treats should come as no surprise, you might find yourself asking why whole-grain bread is out. "Breads, muffins and bagels are yeast mold, gluten bond," Goglia explains. Meaning, they are inflammatory foods that slow your metabolism and stimulate digestive distress, like gas, bloating and slow digestion.

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Avoid: Dried Fruit
Who Avoids It: Courtney Cox

Why: Some of you are probably thinking: Hey, what gives? Fruit is healthy! While you are 100 percent correct there, dried fruit is a different story. "Dried fruit is a source of sugar and fiber, only there is no additional water for transport," Goglia says. "Just like juice, dried fruit is highly caloric and spikes insulin levels, which gives you an immediate energy boost followed by a quick crash." Goglia also adds that dried fruit can be disruptive to your digestive tract, causing bloating and gas for many people with irritable bowel syndrome. So, if you're craving fruit, stick to the real stuff.

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