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The "Rules" of Skin Care That You Should Be Breaking

School days mean it's time for a routine, especially when it comes to your skin. But what if the routine you swear by is actually ruining your skin? Wait until you see these sneaky ways your skin care habits are causing wrinkles, zits, and more
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Rule No. 5: You should use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to dry out zits
If you suffer from acne, your routine probably involves using a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid spot treatment on any blemishes that pop up. But there's good reason to re-think that advice.

Spunt and O'Connor point out that these ingredients are harsh, irritating, and drying for almost everyone. So while they may kill bacteria and eventually get rid of your zit, they can also leave you with red, flaky skin that's practically impossible to cover with concealer. A better solution? "Try gentler products like willow bark and clay to calm inflammation and draw out impurities," Spunt says. "Gentler products can still fight pimples, and do so without drying your skin and making it look worse during the process."

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Rule No. 6: You need a separate product for your eye area
Eye cream seems like such a no-brainer part of your skin care regimen, right? But in most cases, you can skip it, says Gold.

"If the eye cream actually has specific ingredients that you need for your eyes, [like retinol or growth factors] then go ahead and use it," he says. "But in general you can just use your face creams on your eye area. Some eye creams are basically the same products anyway in different packaging." So there's really no need to spend more money; instead just dab some of your moisturizer and face serums around your eye area as well.

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Rule No. 7: 'Natural' means it's gentle
Spunt and O'Connor are big advocates of using natural products, but they point out that Mother Nature can still do some major damage to your skin. For example, tea tree oil, used sparingly, can be a great way to fight zits. But if you apply too much, your skin can end up as red and flaky as it would have been after a repeated dousing of benzoyl peroxide.

The lesson: Whether a product is "organic" or completely cooked up in a lab, follow the instructions carefully and remember, more is rarely better when it comes to skin care.

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