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New Interactive Tool From RoC® Lets Us in on Their Anti-Aging Know-How

What we learned from the online experience RoC® Academy™
Aging is an inevitable and, dare we say, enviable byproduct of living a long and joyful life. But showing the signs of that forward-moving clock? Well, that is something we have control over. As they say, knowledge is power -- and here at, we are always on the hunt for info that will help us help you look and feel your best. Recently, we were invited to study with the RoC® Academy™, a new online tool from the skin-care brand RoC® that explains some common misconceptions about retinols and tested our anti-aging IQs. (We're happy to report: We passed with flying colors!)

"The goal of this interactive tool is teaching women the basics of retinol use. Women will learn the different formulations and bust common retinol myths," says Editor-in-Chief Beth Mayall-Traglia.

When it comes to something as powerful as retinol (it's pretty much the only proven anti-ager that every dermatologist swears by), it's important to have all the facts. Myths like, "You should only use retinol at night" (you can use it in the daytime, as long as you apply a sunscreen) can keep you from getting the most anti-aging benefits from your products and, more to the point, the wrinkle-free complexion you desire. Managing Editor Katie McCarthy says, "RoC® Academy™ guides users through the science behind retinol, helping women better understand the No. 1 age-fighting ingredient in their skin-care arsenal and why it works."

For instance, did you know that all retinoids are not created equal -- but they are all are derived from vitamin A? (Fun fact: You can find retinoids in foods like eggs and broccoli.) Retinoic acid is the most potent form, but you need a prescription for it. And because it is the very definition of "deep exfoliation" (how else do you get those wrinkles to disappear?), it can cause skin irritation. But retinol, its close cousin, can be found in the drugstore beauty aisle (try RoC® Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream) and is the No. 1 over-the-counter anti-aging ingredient recommended by dermatologists.

As Executive Editor Jill Provost says, "RoC® Academy™ offers a simple educational experience for those eager to learn more about retinol. It allows beauty industry experts to build customized fact sheets for their clients, and features a shareable infographic that divulges little-known anti-aging factoids." Armed with this knowledge, we're readier than ever to help women in their 20s (yes, your skin can start to show signs of aging that early -- yikes!) and beyond look even younger today than they did yesterday -- or the day before.

Interested in learning more about retinol? Visit RoC® Academy™ at now.
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