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10 Makeup Quotes Every Beauty Junkie Will Relate to

These famous makeup sayings are reminders of the transforming power found in creams and powders
If you've ever made up your face and loved the way that the new look somehow both transformed you and also revealed the beauty that was already inside, you are sure to enjoy the following makeup quotes. These 10 inspiring quotes about makeup will have you saying, "Yes, yes, yes!"

The best makeup quotes

Makeup Quotes: Lady Gaga

Reflect the Inside
"Whether I'm wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I'm always the same person inside." -- Lady Gaga

Let your makeup reflect your personality. What makes this one of the most inspiring makeup quotes is that it indicates that cosmetics should just be an extension of the real you.

Makeup Quotes: Bobbi Brown

Best for You
"Personalized beauty is about each woman being able to create her own makeup routine that complements her coloring and style." -- Bobbi Brown

Makeup should be individualized for each wearer. Find what works for you and go with it.

Makeup Quotes: Kevyn Aucoin with Linda Evangelista

Do It Your Way
"There are no rules when it comes to makeup!" -- Kevyn Aucoin

Don't limit yourself to what anyone says you should or shouldn't do with your makeup. Aucoin's quote echoes many famous makeup quotes by encouraging you to make up your face however you like.

Makeup Quotes: Michelle Phan

Suit Up
"Makeup is not a mask that covers up your beauty: it's a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside." -- Michelle Phan

Need a little something extra to help you face the day? Cosmetics to the rescue, says makeup personality Phan.

Makeup Quotes: Shakira

Under It All
"There's no better makeup than confidence." -- Shakira

Love yourself. That's where a beautiful look begins.

Makeup Quotes: Christina Aguilera

Do What It Takes
"And who's to say a little mascara doesn't make you feel more confident when you pop it on and look in the mirror?" -- Christina Aguilera

As Aguilera's makeup quote encourages, if a touch of makeup is what it takes to give you that confidence boost, there's no shame in that.

Makeup Quotes: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Create Beauty
"Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Makeup artistry is both loving beauty and creating it. Emerson's poetic words are a reminder that that's a pretty good way to live.

Makeup Quotes: Gwen Stefani

Change Your Day
"We're just so lucky as women to be able to wear it [makeup]. If you're having a bad day, you can change that." -- Gwen Stefani

If your day is headed downhill, take Stefani's advice and do up your face. You may find you have an all-around better outlook on life. This is another one of our favorite makeup quotes.

Makeup Quotes: Marc Jacobs with Naomi Campbell

Pull It All Together
"Makeup is the finishing touch, the final accessory." -- Marc Jacobs

Designer Jacobs knows fashion. He also understands that some color on the face is the ideal complement to the perfect outfit.

Makeup Quotes: Anne Lamott

The Whole Package
"Joy is the best makeup. But a little lipstick is a close runner-up." -- Anne Lamott

Go for both. A happy life has both joy and lipstick.


JUN 1, 2016 | SHARES
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