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Lucy Hale's Makeup Secrets

Plus a global wine shortage (!), why you should brush after barbecue sauce, and more of the top stories of the day
• As bonafide Pretty Little Liars obsessives, yes, we would like to know the secrets to Lucy Hale's flawless makeup. Her makeup artist Fiona Stiles reports that -- surprise, surprise -- Hale has flawless skin to begin with. "It's this gorgeous olive color but she's very pale, so her features really pop. I started by focusing on her skin, which I think is the most important feature, doing subtle highlighting and contouring (nothing like the Kardashians). I did a soft application of foundation, a soft contour on the cheek, then subtle highlights on the bridge and tip of her nose." Her tips for us regular mortals? "The fairer you are, the lighter you need to go on the highlighting and contouring, but everyone looks great with just a little." Good to know! And just in case you were hoping that someone that pretty was a total jerk or something, nope, no dice. Says Stiles, "Oh my god, working with her is an absolute ray of sunshine. She's so sweet and she's super professional, and she's just got this face that you can do anything with."[Beauty High]

• Feeling a bit down? Get thee to an treadmill. New research published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that exercise not only treats depression, but it also prevents it! Even low level exercise, like walking or gardening can ward off negative depressive feelings. Good news! [University of Toronto]

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• Nicki Minaj designed a line of clothes for Kmart, but could anyone besides, well, Nicki Minaj actually wear it? Eight intrepid reporters tried out the clothes and actually wore them out. The results? Not as bad as you might imagine. Cute, even. [The Cut]

• Keep breathing, but a global wine shortage may be imminent. (Deep breaths! Deep breaths!) That's because wine production isn't at the pace it needs to be to accommodate the huge and growing number of wine drinkers in the world. Especially because there are more wine drinkers than ever in the U.S. and China. So think twice about whether you really need to open up another bottle of Two Buck Chuck (just kidding, you do!) [Jezebel]

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• Sure, coffee can stain your teeth, but barbecue sauce can really do a number on them, too. That's because barbecue sauce is a perfect storm of stainy-ness: dark, sticky, and hot. Sure, you're (probably) not eating barbecue sauce every day, but keep that in mind and brush immediately after eating it if possible. That goes for any dark foods like balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, tomato sauce, and chocolate syrup, too. [Glamour]

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