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The OMG Ice Cream That's GOOD for You

You can make this DIY treat with 4 ingredients in 10 minutes flat
Did Good Housekeeping just invent the perfect dessert? Why, yes, they did. You can jam out this rich, creamy strawberry ice cream with just four ingredients and 10 minutes. The kicker? It's only 70 calories. And it's made with Greek yogurt, which packs protein (up to 18 grams per serving) and a host of other good-for-you benefits, like probiotic cultures for your stomach and fewer carbs than regular yogurt. Feel free to substitute fresh for frozen (it is summer, people), or other fruits, like blueberries, pineapple or mango.)

Here's what you need:
1 pound frozen strawberries
1 cup 2% plain Greek yogurt
¼ cup sugar
½ tsp. vanilla extract

Here's how to make it:
1. Pulse 1 cup of the strawberries in a food processor (with the knife blade attached) until they are finely chopped. Transfer the chopped berries into a separate bowl.

2. In the food processor, puree the yogurt, sugar, vanilla, and the remaining strawberries until the mixture is smooth. Transfer the mixture into the bowl with the chopped strawberries and stir together.

3. Cover and freeze for an hour or until frozen

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