Reader Q&A: Thinning Hair
Want your beauty questions answered? You've come to the right place. Each week we're going to respond to a reader-submitted query. (Have a question? Submit it on the main "My Beauty Life" page...after reading this, of course.)

Now, for our first...

Question: I used to have thick, curly, shiny hair but as I age it's getting much thinner -- what should I do? -- Beverly

Answer: First, Beverly, understand that you're not alone. Up to 40 percent of American women suffer from hair loss of some kind. There are several contributing factors including hormonal shifts (especially during menopause), trauma and/or high levels of stress and, good old heredity.

To get your hair back on track, regardless of the root cause, hair health expert Dr. Philip Kingsley suggests getting more sleep, taking vitamin B supplements and using an intensive scalp treatment -- look for one that is designed to stimulate hair growth like Philip Kingsley Scalp Mask, $6.25.

Also, understand that as you age, your hair is bound to get harder to work with. As celebrity hairstylist Marie Ferro says, "as women move toward menopause, textural changes and the problems they create are compounded as gray hair becomes more prominent," because as she explains, those grays have less pigment and are much more coarse.

The good news is that there are many hair care lines designed specifically to address the needs of aging hair. (Try PHTYO Phytocane Revitalizing Shampoo for Women with Grapeseed Procyanidins and Ginkgo Biloba, $24 and PHYTO Phytocane Revitalizing Serum for Women with Grapeseed Procyanidins and Ginkgo Biloba $50.)

If you feel like your hair loss is significant, you should make an appointment to talk to your doctor. In some cases, thyroid issues may be involved and you should definitely rule them out. Your doctor can also best advise you on whether a hair growth treatment like Rogaine for Women, $21.99, is necessary.

Want to ask a question of your own? submit your beauty query here and, if you're tired of wrestling with your hair, try this cool, no-fuss undone bun.
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