My Workout Beauty Routine
If you read My Beauty Life with any regularity, you probably know that I love to work out. For me, exercising is partly a stress reliever, partly to keep fit and partly for fun. And, while many beauty gurus debate whether or not women should wear makeup while working out, my school of thought is that there is no way I'm leaving the house without looking semi-put together. New York City is way too small a world to even attempt that! You never know when you will run into an ex or your 10th grade nemesis. But, by the same token, I am NOT someone who heads to the gym with my face fully done up. I try to keep the perfect balance of looking appropriate while keeping my skin and hair in good shape. Here's what I do ... (P.S. It's dermatologist approved!)

My Makeup Routine:
At the gym -- I like to keep my skin clean of foundation when I am working out. But, sunscreen is still a must (I do anything to age-proof my complexion.) A tinted sunscreen or tinted moisturizer with SPF is the perfect mix to smooth out your complexion and keep it protected from damaging rays when walking to and from the gym. I like to have my brows groomed, too. This creates the biggest impact on your face without having to wear any makeup. A coat or two of mascara also opens up your eyes without looking too ridiculous like wearing eyeshadow would. Finally, a little clear lip balm with an SPF keeps my lips from drying out, protects them, and helps reflect light.

After the gym -- The key to any gym beauty routine, whether you like to keep it simple, pile on the makeup, or wear nothing at all? After working out, your pores can become clogged. So as soon as you've finished, wash your face with a cleanser. If that's too ambitious, be sure to stash some facial cleansing wipes in your gym bag. I like Olay 2-in-1 Daily Facial Cloths, $8, and I always use at least two. The first swipe, to get rid of any makeup, the second to make sure there is no residue. Be sure to apply a moisturizer with SPF or sunscreen afterwards.

My Hair Routine:
At the gym -- I am a blowout queen and full disclosure here, sometimes even plan my most intense workouts around days when my blowout won't be brand new. But, when it is, here's my solution for keeping my hair fresh and in tact. I take my hair and wrap it in a twirling motion and then put it in a high bun using a mark-proof elastic to prevent any telltale dents. Then I use a silk headband to push my hair off my face and prevent sweat from seeping up into my hairline.

After the gym -- After workouts, I wrap my head in a towel and then use a plastic shower cap to prevent moisture and humidity from the shower from zapping my volume flat while cleaning up. Then I unwind my hair and use a little dry shampoo just at the crown and hairline. Using a round brush and blow dryer, I wrap sections of hair and heat them with the blow dryer to refresh. Voilà, no one ever knows I just came from an intense interval training class.

Let me know if these ideas work as well for you as they do for me.
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