The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #5

The Product: Secret Clinical Strength Sensitive Deodorant

The Price: $8.99

The Promise: "Clinically proven prescription strength wetness protection." Boasts "odor fighting capsules that absorb odor and release scent all day to keep you smelling clean and fresh."

The Real Deal: I may not be the sweatiest person in the world but let's just say that when I work out (or get super-stressed) I put my deodorant to the test. That's why I adore this product. It works like a charm and, aside from totally stopping my sweat glands in their tracks, it somehow manages to also be completely kind to my super sensitive pit skin which has been known to sting to high heaven when applying deodorant (especially after shaving). Whatever it is, this sensitive skin formula really works -- it's amazing, no burning or itchy bumps. Truly a feat.

The Upshot: Never thought it possible but, yes, my lifelong anti-wetness and odor pal, Dry Idea,$4.59, has been shelved in favor of this Secret Clinical Strength deodorant. Change can be good!

Have a favorite product that you want to brag about? Here's your forum. (See last week's VIP pick.)

And, here're some tips if, like me, you tend to perspire a tad and still want to look good at the gym.
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