The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #34
The Product: Neova Maximum Body Repair

The Price: $42.

The Company Spiel: "An innovative DNA + Copper combination formula restores and nourishes your skin. The preventative properties produce more age-resilient skin while helping repair current damage from UV exposure. Over time, your skin will become hydrated, toned, and firm with a more even skin tone."

The Real Deal: When it comes to lotions and potions engineered to deliver moister, more supple, less sun-ravaged skin, my bathroom cabinet can put CVS -- heck, maybe even Sephora -- to shame. I'm a sucker for every balm, salve, ointment, and cream that promises to undo the "frying-myself-in-iodine-infused-baby-oil" damage I inflicted on my younger self. And I always fall hook, line, and sinker for any body product that suggests it will leave my skin feeling moist all day.

Of course, most of the bottles in my cabinet are 95 percent full because the majority of them, well, (how should I put this?) suck and don't deliver on one iota on their pledge.

Imagine, then, my delight when one actually does what it says it will. Such has been my experience with Neova Maximum Body Repair.

This cream is thick but not tacky, absorbs well, keeps skin supple all day, and handily avoids the major pitfall that many fall into -- it doesn't smell medicine-y or too perfumed, but simply clean and just fragrant enough.

The Upshot: I know, I know, it's expensive. There's no arguing that. But it works. And, because my entire body can be slathered with 3 to 4 pumps' worth, a single bottle lasts for at least a month. Big rationalization? Perhaps. But for my money, having moist, fragrant, younger-looking skin is worth every red cent.

What's your favorite moisturizer? Please let us all know -- it's no fun keeping that kind of stuff to yourself!
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