The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #21
The Product: Malin + Goetz Detox Face Mask

The Price: $40

The Company Spiel: "Innovative, oxygenating cleansing agents replace harsh detergents and drying clays to deep-pore-cleanse, lifting dirt, oil, and makeup away from the skin without irritation, while creating a physical barrier to seal hydration. Complex amino acids and natural almond extract gently and effectively purify, clarify, balance, and soothe. Stable vitamin C, anti-oxidant vitamin E, and soy protein help firm and address concerns for aging."

The Real Deal: I have friends who've raved about this mask for years so I was intrigued and, last time I was in New York City, headed to the fancy pants Malin + Goetz apothecary to pick some up. The verdict? Let's just say that I've applied many a formulation to my face but none like this.

Once you have a thin layer of this mask on your skin it begins to effervesce (that's the above mentioned "oxygenating cleansing") and, I won't lie, it tickled the area around my nose something awful. But once it ebbed and I rinsed my face, I was delighted with how smooth and soft it felt -- we're talking 15 years ago smooth.

The Upshot: I've tried several more times since my first fizzy encounter to "get used to" the bubbling around my nose -- no dice. It still drives me bananas, but the results are peerless, so it's a trade off. No pain, no gain, right? (And, truth be told, I'm really a big baby when it comes to being itchy -- the bubbling doesn't bother any of my friends.)

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