Thinning Hair: One Woman's (My) Rude Awakening
Didn't I used to have very long, very curly hair? I'm pretty sure that last I looked I had a Carrie Bradshaw coif. When did that thick head of hair give way to what's pouring forth from my scalp these days?

All of a sudden, I have approximately 376 meager follicles going on -- and that's a generous estimate. Gone are the days of having to wrap a band around my ponytail twice -- now, when I wear my hair up, we're talking FOUR wraps and there's still some slack.

When I first discovered that I was becoming folic-ally challenged, I went to the doctor to see whether it was something medically induced. Don't judge. There's nothing like a particularly frightening episode of Dr. Oz to send a girl running.

The good news? I don't have anything majorly wrong with me. The bad? I'm either stressed or hormonal (my money's on both) and that's making my hair fall out. Which, duh, only serves to further stress me out!

The better news? The fact that the shampoo aisle is brimming with solutions for me (and the rest of y'all out there who're contending with this touchy issue -- you know who you are). It's true! In addition to "female pattern baldness" potions, many mainstream brands now have "thinning hair" lines. I, for one, am jumping all over that Nioxin bandwagon (I'm using the Nioxin System 1, $41 -- it's a cleanser and scalp therapy duo) and, since I began, I'm pretty sure that my hair, while still a far cry from its former "Sex and the City" self, does feel thicker somehow.

Have you experienced hair loss or thinning hair? How're you dealing with it? (And, if you want more info, check out these facts about thinning hair and hair growth.)
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