Would You Share Photos of Your Bare Belly with the World?
I used to have a fantastic stomach. It was flat, taut, and tan, with the perfect little innie belly button.

I'm not bragging. It's not like I did sit-ups or starved myself to get it -- I just hit the genetic jackpot. And then ... I got pregnant. With twins. And gained 96 freaking pounds. And my stomach, my wonderful stomach, became a distant memory.

Thankfully, there are plenty of photos of my formerly resplendent torso so that I can use to prove to myself, and my (now 9-year-old) kids, that this stretched out, flobby mess (that's flab + glob) used to be pretty great.

I don't know why I care so much. It was just a stomach after all. I'm not usually the vain type, but somehow that beautiful belly was important to me.

That's why I marvel at the women seen here, who stepped up and sent photos of their stomachs into xojane.com's "Real Girl Belly Project." Some are fit and fab -- most are not. And that's what's so empowering about the gallery. These women are PROUD of their tummies regardless of how they look -- they tell stories, prove points, mark milestones.

In this world of Photoshop mania, I find this incredibly refreshing. (Click here to read about the cool new Photoshop tool that will let users gauge how re-touched images are.)

Now, if I just had the guts to lift my shirt, click, and submit. Would you?
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