Reader Q&A: "How Can I Make the Skin on my Chest Look Better?"
This week's reader question comes from Mindy in Mesa, Ariz. who wants to know How Can I Make the Skin on my Chest Look Better?

We're here to help, Mindy but, first, please understand that; A) You're not alone and, B) We have the answer (and some solutions) for you courtesy of Dr. Rolanda Johnson who, as a senior scientist for Olay, knows a thing or two (or 50) about skin.

First off, since you live in Arizona, you've probably had a lot of sun exposure. And, as we know, skin that is exposed to harmful UV rays ages more quickly. "UV radiation destroys skin's natural antioxidants like Vitamins C and E, further reducing skin's defenses against premature aging," says Johnson. Plus, skin that's exposed to the sun tends to be high in melanin, which creates an uneven skin tone. (That's why you, like I, may have brown spots and freckles on your chest and elsewhere.) Plus, sun exposure breaks down collagen and elastin, resulting in loose, saggy skin -- not a look we're going for anywhere on our bodies, much less the decolletage.

Want to lessen further damage and undo some that you've incurred? Listen up and take these two tips to heart...

Tip 1: Apply SPF every day. You've heard it before and you'll hear it again because it's critical. Even if you don't live in a state where it's sunny most of the year, you need to protect your skin on a daily basis. If you don't want to add another step to your morning routine, look for a body lotion that contains SPF so that when you moisturize post-shower you'll be killing two birds with one stone. (Try Olay Definity Corrective Protecting Lotion, $24.99 or Juice Beauty Green Apple Body Antioxidant Moisturizer SPF 20, $66.)

Tip 2: Look for body products that contain ingredients like retinol or retinoids to stimulate collagen and elastin in the skin to firm it up (like Olay Regenerist Targeted Tone Enhancer, $7.49) and if you're concerned with spots, seek out a product that contains hydriquinone (like Murad Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Gel, $60).

With a little extra care and this knowledge of what's affecting the skin on your chest, hopefully you'll be able to start to un-do some damage and make your way toward being happy with your skin again.

Want some tips on how best to deal with (and prevent) pesky wrinkles and fine lines and the other joys of aging skin? Watch this video.
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