Reader Q&A: "How Should I Add Wave to My Straight Hair?"
Reader Melissa from Westfield, N.J. wants to know the best way to add wave to her straight hair. This is one of the most commonly asked questions we receive (another is how to best straighten curly hair -- the grass is always greener, girls).

So, for Melissa and all you wannabe wavy heads out there, here are some tips...

The easiest way to add curl or wave is with a curling iron. (Watch Rebekah, Total Look video host, get her hair curled here.) First, comb a mousse like Victoria's Secret So Sexy Volumizing Mousse, $12.99, through your hair from roots to tips to make your style last. Blow dry hair, then choose a small, medium, or large curling iron (the smaller the iron, the tighter the curls).

If your hair is medium to thick, smooth over each section of hair with a bit of smoothing cream (try Nexxus Sleekstyle Calming Smoothing Creme, $14).

If your hair is super-fine, spritz each section with a volumizing spray like Pantene Pro-V Fine Hair Solutions Lasting Volume Hairspray, $3.99, then wrap the section around the iron in a spiral. After curling your entire head, let hair cool completely.

Finally, finger-comb and spray strands with flexible hold spray like Aveda Air Control Hairspray, $24, for a bouncy finish.

There you have it, the simple way to get more spring in your curls -- and your step. And, if (like me) you have straight hair that's thinning, you'll want to be sure to read this, too.
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