My Quick RX for Over-Exfoliating
I'll admit that I sometimes get more than a tad over zealous with the whole exfoliation ritual. There's something about the promise of revealing "new" skin that fills me with gusto. Now, when you're scrubbing the floor or your kitchen counters, "gusto" is a good thing, when you're buffing the tender skin on your face, slow and steady is a much better tactic. But then, I'm not known for my pragmatic approach to most things.

So, what's a girl to do when she rubs herself raw? That my dear readers, is what I'm here to share.

Turns out that when you emerge from an exfoliating session looking like a lobster, it's because you removed not only the dead skin cells sitting atop your face, you went too far and hit the healthy cells beneath. Not good.

According to my dermatologist, the best way to coddle your skin after abusing it so is to apply a cool washcloth and then a thick, unscented, plain, and soothing moisturizer to help calm things down. Then, for the next few days avoid using anything containing retinoids or heavy fragrances and don't even think about dabbling in toners or the like as they can further irritate or even burn the tender new skin.

Things should revert to normal within a day or two but if they don't improve within a week, get thee to your derm pronto -- you may have caused some real damage.

Are you an avid exfoliator? What's your favorite product? And, have you ever gone the dermabrasion route? I'm soooo tempted!
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